Emperor: Level 11 | Day 17 | Early Evening Emperor began his journey to the gorge, he was pretty confident he had enough supplies and he was hoping his new weapon purchase would do him well. He had to let go of some rare materials in order to afford everything but hopefully it would be worth it. I mean who knows what sort of treasure would await him in this dungeon. He smiled to himself as he continued on the path, barely able to contain his excitement. A trio of low level wolves sprang out in front of Emperor, now was as good a chance as any to test his new weapon. He smiled as he drew Crescent and pulled the blade back over his shoulder, it began to glow yellow as the sword skill activating hurtling him towards one of the wolves. He pulled back up to defensive posture as soon as the sword skill ended as the now rather icy looking wolf shattered into glistening pieces, indicating its demise. One of the other wolves lept at him as he brought his scimitar up to block it just in time. Emperor reached into a pocket with his free hand and quickly hurled a throwing pick at the other wolf to keep it at bay whilst he pushed his blade against the aggressive wolf, pushing it back away from him. The wolves wasted no time as they both simultaneously lept at him, teeth glistening in the light of the sunset. Emperor rolled to the side and quickly lept to his feet as the wolves landed, he knew he had to act fast as he held his blade to the side. The blade began to glow yellow once again as he activated this new sword skill. He span like a whirlwind towards the two wolves, cutting into them both and emerging from the other side. Ice grew out from where he'd cut the wolves and they howled out in pain, now both on the red of their health bar. Emperor grinned as he proceeded to cut them both down. He liked his new blade, even if he hadn't managed to get a critical this time around, but he knew he'd get plenty in longer battles. He collected two common pelts from their drops and then continued onwards to his destination. Day 17 | Evening He made fast progress and eventually arrived at the gorge. He took a deep breath as he headed closer to the entrance, his eyes flickering around the area as he looked around to see who else had made it there. BlazingAiko: The early days A cloaked figure ran through the streets, bumping into various players and NPC's but refusing to let them slow her down. She ducked into an alleyway and began panting softly as she looked down at her hands. She was holding a small coinpurse and it certainly contained enough in it to get her a room and food for a couple of days. Aiko wasn't proud of her newfound desire for theivery and pickpocketing but well she was terrified of the idea of going out there and... possibly dying. So for now instead of farming mobs she'd have to make her way by sneaking and stealing and just hoping she didn't get caught. She quickly changed into a different coloured cloak as she then slipped out of the alley again. It wasn't much of a disguise but better than nothing. Surprisingly Aiko didn't stay pickpocketing her way around the town of beginnings for long, she managed to get hold of a good dagger and decided to venture out into the wilderness. The fact that she'd come only a hairs width from being caught last time was certainly a large factor into this. It didn't take too long for her to dispatch her first boar and she realized how exhilarating fighting was when her life was on the line. The stakes were high and that gave her one hell of a rush! A rush she wouldn't mind experiencing more often. Aiko quickly began to fall in love with the speed and precision of daggers, developing a very fast hit and run style approach, using surprise attacks and cover to her advantage. In RPG terms she very well embodied the 'Rogue' class, and that suited her just fine, she didn't have qualms with having to fight a bit dirty every now and then. Anything to stay alive. On the fifth day she spotted someone fighting alone, a man with scruffy hair and a dumb looking headband. He wielded a scimitar and although he lacked finesse he seemed to have a lot of determination... although a distinct lack of paying attention to his surroundings as he'd let a wolf sneak up behind him. Aiko let out a soft sigh as she lept from her hiding spot, flinging a throwing dagger at the sneaking wolf and hitting it square in the side. She watched as it's health dropped pretty low from a very lucky critical hit. She drew her dagger and flung her hood off as she squared against this wolf, the man shouting thanks her way as he continued to fight. After the wolves had been dispatched the man introduced himself as 'Emperor'. [color=gold]'What a dumb name...'[/color] she thought but she quickly remembered hers wasn't exactly the epitome of cool. The man seemed friendly enough, even if a little dim witted. The two ended up having a surprisingly enjoyable conversation and Aiko shared with the man her desire to open up a shop. He seemed pretty interested in this but for Aiko it was just a pipe dream, not too likely she'd really manage it. But talking about it with someone gave her a strange motivation. Aiko eventually did open up her shop, although quite a small one. She decided to name the shop Firebrand Wares and used it as a platform to sell the more... interesting things that she would loot or acquire. And her and Emperor ended up becoming quite good friends, especially since he ended up becoming her most common customer. BlazingAiko: Level 13 | Day 17 | Afternoon Aiko let out a soft sigh as she watched Emperor leave her shop. [Color=gold]'Great... now I actually have to properly sort through all that junk... well at least I got some good pelts to sell. Make some tailors real happy.'[/color] she thought to herself as she began sorting through the materials and putting them on display. Firebrand Wares was only a small shop... and a bit of a craphole currently, but well it was her craphole and she was sure with enough cleaning and redecorating it could start looking real nice. She let out a soft grunt before pulling up her hood and heading out, not really wanting to deal with sorting through junk just yet. She had been running low on throwing daggers and had heard about a blacksmith with the features of a fox. She figured she had to see this and she needed more daggers so it was a win-win. She began asking around to where people had last seen this blacksmith and was eventually pointed in the direction of a normally abandoned building. As she entered the place she froze in shock, not having expected it to be quite this messy. She let out a soft sigh before calling out into the empty room [color=gold]"Hey... anyone home? I'm lookin' for some throwing daggers. Heard I could find a blacksmith here..."[/color] [@KabenSaal]