[@Kit DewStein][@Kiss Of Night] Nilos was one of the girst to wake up when they were in the cage, managing to get the gag off. He overheard the conversation between Bala and this woman named Zaldana and answered when he found out she was a Siren. Still blindfolded, he was getting pushed by a girl who spoke Greek and a voice he recognized earlier as the rude girl. He spoke to the girl who spoke Greek. [color=f7941d]"Με συγχωρείτε χάσετε , είμαι της ίδιας καταγωγής . Δεν πιστεύω ότι έχετε σκοτώσει κανέναν ... "[/color] [hider=translated] [color=f26522]"Excuse me miss, I'm of the same origin. I don't believe you have killed anyone..."[/color] [/hider] Nilos turned his head to the elf girl "It's...y-you...." Bala managing to get his hands in front of him after getting his arms under his leg, he moved the blindfold and looked around and noticed Rorack looking at him. he knew he'd be pissed knowing what his true motive was [i]"Dammit...now that he knows what I attempted to do and being betrayed as well....he's going to want to either kill me or make me suffer."[/i] He averted his eyes from Rorack and looked around the cage and spoke up. [@dragonmancer][@NewMoonGamer][@BookGirl1993][@Fenfeir][@Entropsy][@Kitty] Bala had to tell the truth to anyone who has awaken...this was his chance to find a away to get free...if they don't try killing him first. [b]"Guys...I'm pretty sure you've figured by now....that I was associated with our captures and...was in on capturing you for profit...but it seems I've be betrayed myself and I'm sure you all want to kill me...and really...I deserve that. But....I'm also your chance in getting revenge on her....the bindings, you've probably figured are magic...except for the gag and blindfold. It's tricky to get loose unless you have a special magic or capability to get loose. The bindings are indeed unbreakable. but...that's just the beginning....it's even more of a challenge getting out the cage and getting from this area..."[/b]