[center][h2][b]【Attitude and Habits】[/b][/h2][/center] [b]I'm blunt.[/b] [hider=Let me explain myself.] I stab into the cake directly - with a candy knife. Meaning, I get to the point as soon as I can, but your feelings are in my interest. I [i]do[/i] try to be sweet. Well, until you incorporate untold relationships to my NPCs without consulting me beforehand. Or have an overpowered protagonist slapping adversaries in the face with tricks pulled out of your chute. Or pigeonhole me into shipping two characters together if we never agreed romance was a core motive. Or send me one-liners; two sentences are fine. Note: [b]Person said, "Something."[/b] is considered a one-liner. [b]Person walked into a place; he/she is reminded of an event.[/b] is not a one-liner. By my standards I mean. Ooh, basically just let me have substance to play around with! [/hider] [b]I'm chill.[/b] [hider=Read: I conserve energy by not bothering.] If you're stressed out by life, busy with other agenda, or not feeling the zing, you're not obliged to reply. Just wind down and pick up where you were expected a follow-up when you are ready. You don't even have to get on to notify me - that's how lenient I am. If I worry about you, I'll send a quick checkup OOC, but if I get no replies I get my answer! [/hider] [b]I'm laggard.[/b] [hider=If you rush me too much, I get scared of you.] I usually respond to a roleplay once or twice a week. If I'm on fire for a particular roleplay, I'll post once daily. But I try not to burn out so I pick up a few (with different narration tones) to enjoy, and still leave time for myself to cool off when I have to. Sometimes I forget to reply because I have a bad habit of opening a lot of tabs; my Android Chrome crashes once in a while. Sometimes, I'm stuck. If I am, I'll usually try to gussy up and admit to you I hit a road block. If you anticipate my reply, and waited for a few days, message me. If I told you I couldn't for that roleplay for the moment and you persist ... well, [i]ano ne, atashii wa kono ga suki nai, dakara sayonara, soushite hontou nii gomenasai[/i] (trans: yanno, I don't like this, so goodbye and very sorry). [/hider] [b]I'm meticulous.[/b] [hider=Feel free to call me out.] I'm probably an anal-retentive child and wasn't told the truth. When it comes to lore and worldbuilding, I like details, but not macro-scope things of course. Still, I sometimes get ... "intense" and overly enthused. If I'm getting ahead of myself and you know it, pull the reigns on this rampant mare. [/hider]