[center][h2][color=440e62]Zachary Arc[/color][/h2][/center] [center][img]http://cutmypic.com/uploads/title448207038.png[/img][/center] Zachary was just wondering around, reading his book, on the way to the tournament when there was a commotion right in front of him less than a block away. Loiosh, who had been sitting on and reading over his shoulder looked up as well. [color=ed1c24][i]Are we under attack or... wait a second. There is someone riding that boulder.[/i][/color] [color=92278f][i]If there is, how about you fly up there and tell me who, with my luck...[/i][/color] Zachary then heard the screams in front of him and looking ahead saw what the problem was, there were too many people in the way of the boulders landing site, including a baby. [i]Crap, why do I always get dragged into stuff like this?[/i] Zachary took of at a sprint in order to get everyone out of the way in time. as he got closer, he knew he couldn't quite make it in time. Loiosh flew up to the boulder and as soon as he got close enough, he realized who was on it. [color=ed1c24][i]Yo boss, you wouldn't believe who the idiot on the boulder is. Who do you know from our school that...[/i][/color] [color=92278f][i]Mary? Seriously? Tell her to have her spirit move the civilians out of the way, and jump off of the boulder just before it lands. And make sure her spirit knows that I will catch Mary, even though she really doesn't deserve it this time.[/i][/color] Loiosh flew over to Mary and landed on her shoulder so that he would actually be heard when he spoke.[color=ed1c24]"Hey Mary, you really have done it this time. Zachary can catch you if you have your spirit save the people down there instead of catching you like we are sure you planned. If you jump off just before the boulder hits, Zach should be able to soften the impact for you landing enough so that you don't get hurt. We aren't going to try to help you after that though, I mean seriously what were you thinking?!?" [/color] Loiosh finished his speach (and looked quite proud about it) before flying off of her shoulder so that he didn't ditract her. Zachery altered his course, sure Mary wouldn't want to hurt anybody if she could help it, she likes calling attention to herself, not causing disasters. It was then that he noticed someone get in the way of the boulders lading spot. Hopefully Tiamat could move them all.