Argh, I sort of want a slice of the action... but just in case anyone's forgotten there's a mysterious man in district A who is trying to look all important. Don't ignore him~ Just got back from the IC and I have to admit, things are looking really interesting at the moment. On one hand I can see the boulder absolutely crushing Moros... unless blocking boulders is a standard move for Lefay. xD Might work, but I do suspect there'll be repercussions of jumping in the way. As of this moment he's stuck in between a rock and a hard place... literally xD Not sure why, but I also found the scene with Loiosh highly amusing xD Imagine it. People are screaming and running for their lives down below, Mary's probably thinking "Crap crap crap." Tiamat's trying to figure out how to save Mary from both death and imprisonment, and then there's Loiosh, calmly explaining to Mary the plan they'll unfurl. I mean the plan is essentially; "Jump, I'll catch you" "And if you don't" "... Lets not think about that" xD I guess I'll take a backseat this time and watch from the sidelines, though after reading RiverMaiden's comment above, I'm starting to wonder if Tiamat would trust Loiosh to save Mary? I mean the proposed plan is pretty scratchy, and one little error by Zach, and Mary's going to go splat anyway. Rule of Character Immortality says things will work out, and Mary might be reckless enough to buy into it.... but I can't imagine Tiamat agreeing to such a risky move xD