[hider=Nathoric of the Kirin Tor][b]Name[/b]: Nathoric Magnalorn [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]Race[/b]: Human [b]Physical Description[/b]: Average in height and lean of build, Nathoric cuts a classic image of a handsome youth. He has dark hair tied in the back, with a youthful face and a fine chin. His eyes are midnight blue and sharp. He wears the robes of his order, violet and dark blue cloth interwoven together. He's donned leather pauldrons and bracers during this time of upheaval. [b]Personality[/b]: Nathoric's an intelligent, thoughtful, and headstrong young mage. Initially shy when brought before the Kirin Tor, he quickly showed his intellect and aptitude for magic, fueling his confidence and giving credence to his abilities. He's very observant and scientific in his way of thinking, preferring to watch first than leap in, but he won't hesitate to be outspoken when the situation calls for it. He's known for his calm demeanor, but has found himself lacking in that aspect ever since the Scourge has ravaged Lordaeron around him. He has a dry wit and matter of fact way of explaining phenomena. [b]Background[/b]: Born to a small azeroth noble family living close to Khaz Modan, his father's father's father had always had ties to the Stoutarm Dwarven family when they once fought off a clan of trolls together, hence Nathaoric's surname, meaning "Protector of the Land." He was discovered to have the magical gift at [url=https://36.media.tumblr.com/7b49c86cdf168fe16f412a8cff21cb1f/tumblr_o6dxi7M1Po1sx8o26o2_540.jpg]age 13[/url] and sent to Dalaran, quickly becoming a promising pupil within the Kirin Tor. His master was Krasus for a short time, and then the hero Rhonin, who encouraged Nathoric's independent state of mind. By age 19, he was allowed to have his own area of study, and age 21 he was sent to Lordaeron to help investigate the new plague spreading across the continent. He'd fought a few straggling Orcs, getting him used to combat before all hell broke loose. He found himself in the wilderness just as the capital city collapsed in chaos. He fought his way through one demon ravaged town, and suddenly found himself within Brittlepool, where he feels the fates have guided him. [/hider]