[@foxygen] [@Salrynn] [@Charnobylisk] [@Nallore] [@hoppiholla391] Quick note everyone - Clues about the murderer have already been posted in the RP so far, more than one. Now, as you are posting both current time and flash backs - if you create a scene and want to know if there would be anything your character may have taken note of odd, drop me a PM and ask me. I will let you know if there was anything you may want to include in your post. As we work through the RP more and more will pop up, things you have seen in one post may come up again in another. Some more obvious than others. This is sort of set up like clue. Names will come up, things seen, clues, locations and so forth. So keep note and when you enough has been revealed that you think you have a lead or an idea of who committed the murder - make a post calling Marc and explain over the phone, or in person if he is with your character at the time. At that time we will follow the lead and see where it takes us. If you are right, your character will be the reason the mystery is solved, if not we will continue on and see what pops up next. (And don't worry if it get solved fast. I can always make a part two and bring the Scooby Gang back together!)