This was the first time ever in two centuries that he was out of his armor and into a formal suit. He wore a black blazer over a white collared shirt, black slacks and shoes with a red tie and he looked incredibly uncomfortable. Last time he wore something like this, it was when his mother and father dragged him out of training to attend some sort of formal dance for demons. Although he can't do anything now, his subordinates practically forced him to stay there until the end of the dance. They convinced him using the guise that he would be part of the guard there but then told him that he shouldn't be wearing armor or else it would be a sign of hostility or something like that. However, he did bring his sword, which is strapped on his waist, but that thing was normal, just in case something went horribly wrong. As always, he was there once the ball had started, an hour before it started really. He had to make sure that there weren't any crazy terrorists that wanted to blow up the ballroom with everyone in it. He had ordered two of his trusted werewolves to sniff out anything that seems wrong and witches to check if there were any magical items that would be akin to a bomb. When everything was clear, those people were allowed to have fun. Personally, Uriel could do it without the mingling and the lights and the dancing. Yes, that's right, he isn't a very sociable person. If he were to choose if he could be in the training area alone or be in a place where a bunch of people are, he would definitely choose the former. But he couldn't do anything now. He was there, might as well see it to the end like promised. When the time for the ball to open came, he was placed along with the others who were going to welcome them. In front of him was a general of Light who he has crossed swords with multiple times before. But there was no tension between the two. Once the royals came, they bowed down to welcome them. Then everyone started to mingle. The two kings were talking like what they are supposed to talk, like brothers. It wasn't as if they were at war at all. Look at them, talking like good friends/brothers and it was only the day before yesterday when they were trying to kidnap the princess and then it turned into this whole battlefield with all sorts of wrong in it. Well, not that he minded that they seemed to be on good terms. Hey, they might call off the war. Sure he'll lose the only meaning to his life as of now and he'd probably need a new job since they might not need so many people in the army but at least no one would have to lose their families to the war anymore. He sat down on a table and watched everyone party. [color=A9A9A9]"I really shouldn't have come."[/color] He muttered to himself with a sigh as he leaned back on the chair. [color=A9A9A9]"Social people and their dances."[/color] He grumbled.