Kenshin was glad to see Kaoru's usual cheerful demeanor return as they talked, and was more than happy to help with the dinner. Though, it would feel odd calling something a dinner without rice, but he supposed that couldn't be helped. "Certainly, Miss Kaoru," Kenshin said as they approached the dojo. "Grilled chicken and vegetables sound great. Though, I'm not sure what to tell Yahiko about the rice. If he hears that the Tajima dojo is the reason for it he might start trouble with them... Let's just tell him that I dropped it." He gave Kaoru a pleasant smile and sure enough Yahiko was there waiting for them. "What took you so long?" The young samurai complained. "I'm starving over here!" Kenshin just gave a pleasant laugh. "I'm sure you mean 'thank you for picking up groceries so we can eat.' We're going to grill some chicken and vegetables, so we'll be eating soon." "I just hope you're the one cooking, Kenshin," Yahiko said. "Kaoru always burns the chicken." Before another fight could break out that would destroy even more of their groceries, Kenshin began preparing the food. He peeled some carrots and put them on the grill along with some leeks and their chicken. He sat with a serene expression as he cooked, as if living out a domestic life was how he meditated. In a way, it was. These simple mundane tasks were a welcome escape from his bloody past. Even with the trouble that popped up from time to time, he felt at peace here, free from the bloodshed and violence of the Revolution. A simple tournament was a far cry from the violence he knew. Sure, tempers would flare and rivalries would brew, but a form of combat with plenty of rules and no killing could not compare to the raw viciousness he knew. However, he wondered if the Tajima dojo wanted to keep it that way... "Miss Kaoru," Kenshin said quietly as they cooked. "Be careful in the tournament. I have no doubt that you'll do well with your swordsmanship, but I have a feeling you'll need more than that to win. Remember who it is you're up against. I'm sure they don't like being held back by tournament rules. They'll use any way to think of to hurt you. Even though it's just a tournament, you'd best fight as though your life is on the line."