[@SleepingSilence] Roman was about to respond to Axel when Leo sent him sliding across the hallway, Roman was able to stay on his feet even though his shoes would be missing some tread. [color=red] "You know I really didn't want to have to do this." [/color] Roman said as he ripped the knife out of his hand watching the wound close a matter of seconds later. Roman started breathing heavily as fur started to cover his shoulders and parts of his face, he felt his teeth sharpen and claws form out of his nails, he once agin heard the sweet howl of the Vargulf much louder though. he stopped his transformation at its half way point, this way he could control himself he didn't want to kill Leo or hurt Axel after all. He watched the girl go for a attack and decided to let out a low bloodcurdling howl he made sure that it was quiet enough not to be heard from a distance.