Well, I suppose this is pretty mild in the grand scheme of things buuuuut... The only music shop within a reasonable distance of my home/workplace just closed up last week. Owner decided that he didn't want to fuss with things anymore and well...that's that. Sold everything off, packed up, and left. Headed down south to chase old tail and sail. Which, I mean, good on him. It's what he's been talking about doing for years. But hell if it ain't a shame, really. I've been going there faithfully for a decade now. I mean, it's where my love for music was born, and I could talk for hours about the place. I could talk about the people that I met there, but I won't. I could talk about the stories I heard there, but I won't. I could talk about the music I played there, but I won't. I won't talk about these things because my G string just popped. I won't talk about these things because I just realized that I neglected to pick up extra strings before the shop closed. I won't talk about these things because now I have to either make an unexpected three-hour road-trip tomorrow to the only other shop that I know of in the state, or order them online and wait two-to-three business weeks before I can scratch this disgusting urge to play Katy Perry songs. Learn from my mistake, people: Always carry spare guitar strings. Otherwise, you'll just end up feeling like a plastic bag.