Between her quietness, the serious look on her face, and the black overcoat and black umbrella shielding her from the cold and rain, the redhead at the edge of the group could easily have passed for a mourner if not for that same motley crew she was standing with. Florence had stayed quiet for most of the trip over, using her relative lack of familiarity with the others as a means to silently observe. A few words here and there to let them know she wasn't mute or shy and a little more with an uneasy smile when someone spoke to her directly, and few would think twice about her otherwise solemn seriousness. After all, what they were dealing with more than justified that seriousness. Any Stand User going rogue was cause for concern, let alone one as strong as the lingering stench at the scene of the crime marked it out as. "Depends. Unless someone has just the right Stand for it, I don't think we're getting into that house in a hurry." Bruno's question to the group definitely warranted her speaking up- she knew for a fact that her own Stand wasn't going to be much help getting them closer to this particular crime scene. The number of police had certainly declined since earlier, but those left weren't going to be any less intent on keeping everything intact and keeping them out. It wasn't as if her Stand couldn't be helpful in this situation- if she could get up into the air, she could see if a bird's eye view of the scene revealed anything at all useful. Whilst it might leave any Stand-deprived interlopers on the ground wondering when Mary Poppins came to town, it was still worth a consideration with how dark the sky had grown in the last few hours. "But if anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears." Though she'd see what the others came up with before putting her cards on the table. Her Stand had managed to keep a low profile so far, and perhaps there was something that could be done to help without tapping into its abilities right off the bat. That said, something occurred to her as she watched the other young woman in the group pick up, taste and throw the sand. Despite her ridiculous behaviour, Corey's vulgar observation about the scent of the sand touched on an interesting possibility: "If I had to suggest anything, chances are that scent's leading somewhere other than the house."