Ah. No. Kyle was mistaken, he only [i]thought[/i] the bartender was hearing out his order, turns out he didn't catch it as he continued to serve other patrons. He could have been pissy about it, but the place was busy and he wasn't an ass who was just gonna shout at a guy for trying to do his job the best he could. Instead, he'd be patient and wait for his drink, what was the worst five more minutes could do? He silently observed the bartender go about his business, even watching him prepare some concoction with Tabasco sauce in it and deliver it to a white haired man. [i]'Huh...looks like Shou almost,'[/i] Maybe a younger version if he could even say that, it was probably just the silver/white hair the two seemed to share. Regardless it got Kyle thinking about the silver haired biology professor, he'd been in once or twice to his work to get his glasses adjusted, but other than that Kyle hadn't seen the man in quite a while. That got him thinking about why he was thinking about Shou. He figured Ryoki's interaction had something to do with it, making him think about the people he knew in the city or at least met. Mr. Hiroshi and Dr. Dajianus, Shou, Ryoki, his twin from the ball, Jenny, Nick (that was a fight), and... How much time had passed? It was at this point that Kyle had woken up just enough to find the white haired man fall out of his stool...hard. [color=LimeGreen]"Shit..."[/color] Kyle slid off his stool and made his way to the fallen man as quickly as the other patrons would allow him. Kneeling next to him, Kyle looked down at the guy and checked him over, [i]'Well he's breathing, so he's not dying, but damn he looks fucked.'[/i] [color=LimeGreen]"Hey, you alright man?"[/color] Kyle snapped his fingers by his ear to get a reaction. Turning to the bartender Kyle asked, [color=LimeGreen]"What the hell did he drink?"[/color] [@Evil Snowman] [@Sarcelle Renard]