[quote=@Holy Soldier] I think he's asking for people to start their characters as C-list so that in-game events can transpire, leading to their advancement by story means. If they came in with S-list powers, then what is there to really learn or develop? It's not so difficult taking an OP character and telling them not to be OP as compared to starting out with a C-list character and by sandbox and constant interactions with other writers (that you hope to constantly have), devising plots where they could train, improve, and learn new abilities. To me, that's way more challenging in a sandbox game versus if it was GM-led, then that would be a different story. [/quote] Thats a huge problem though. C list powers can't improve much beyond their initial conception. This isn't One Peace where the powers are intentionally vague and there is haki around and all that. If your saying they're improved by tech, that means that they might as well be a slightly different Ironman or something since tech goes a super long way. Plus tech replicates most C list powers and some B list powers anyway. I mean, you could just have everyone be Avengers or just below it level at the start and you'd still have lots and LOTS of things you could do. Or JL without Superman, so much you can do. You don't need to start off super super weak as that tends to tire or bore people pretty fast in a superhero RP from the few dozens I've seen start and die within a week. If you really want to start with a weak to strong story, start at Spiderman early year levels at least, not the hordes of baddies that early year Spiderman could defeat super easy. Because if your that weak, pretty sure any loony with a shotgun could end you right quick or do your job. Also if you have a Demigod archtype, your sorta forcing yourself to start at Avengers level or below it unless they're the main big bad. [quote=@FantasyChic] [@Rin] Honestly, not sure I agree with the C-list argument. I think we got a good variety, some I would argue could be B or even A list. [/quote] If that was the case lantern wouldn't be hating on Ironman or other gadget heroes, and we wouldn't have the demigod archtype.