[@King Tai] [@Kit DewStein] [@NewMoonGamer] [@dragonmancer] [@Fenfeir] [@BookGirl1993] [@Entropsy] [@Kitty] Titania was quite shaken, she knew her other half had been freed, but not for how long or what she had said or done. However when she heard someone else speaking Greek it greatly calmed her nerves, "[color=ed1c24]Ευχαριστούμε τον αδελφό. Είμαι Τιτάνια, κόρη του Ηφαίστου. Μείνε μαζί μου και θα είστε ασφαλείς.[/color]" Her eyes looked rather unsure but already her mind was forming a dangerous plan. She then looked to the elf girl who called her crazy, with a slight grimace and a very serious look in her eyes, "[color=ed1c24]The person you met a moment ago was not me...I am perfectly sane.[/color]" She then looked to Bala and addressed the whole room, "[color=ed1c24]I think I have an idea for a good distraction...Horus knows where I am he'll bring an explosive...its just the right shape for him to carry and fly...If we can get out of this cage I can make a very big boom.[/color]" Titania smirked a bit, "[color=ed1c24]And then we either try to escape in the confusion...or use the advantage to launch a counter strike, kill our enemy and ensure our escape.[/color]" Suddenly the tactician inside Titania was shining through.