[quote=@FantasyChic] [@Archmage MC] This is what he said. I see nowhere in there him saying he rejected someone with those abilities. He was using it as an example purely. What I get from this is the fact that your power list is too long. She is able to do too much. If that means she needs to be C-level, then so be it, join the rest of us who have limited power usage. But again, this is something you need to ask KL about, because this is not my game. I am sure he'll poke you when he gets on. Or PM him. Either or and then you can figure out where to go from there. [/quote] Eh, what I'm getting from it is. "You can't have any powerset that can make you versatile or allow you to go outside of some pre-defined notions of mine" or "I don't want to have to even think about this character." (Though the former feels more correct due to his example.) So that means out of his archtypes, the following archtypes are contradictory to his vision from his statement. DemiGod Advanced Techno (Even lists Iron man there as an example to follow, but says no to said kind of character in your quoted post!) Archer/Sharpshooter (unless they have no trick arrows or shots) Cosmic Outlaw (Due to his example of Starlord) Plant Person (Basically a nature version of Iron Man) Elemental Genius And potentially the Wildcard heroes, Vigilante heroes, and Aliens. Basically by saying what he did to shoot me down, he also set a bad precedent that he doesn't want versatile or strong powersets or characters that are say, 2000's Teen Titans that have a mix of comedy and seriousness. Sorta both actually.