[@Lady Amalthea]added the details I believe I needed to finish^^ [hider=Calanon Aenerion] [h1][b][i][color=0033ff][center]Calanon Aenerion[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center] [hider=Base Images] [img]http://i1017.photobucket.com/albums/af291/POOHEAD189/Other%20Album/Elf3.jpg[/img][img]https://40.media.tumblr.com/7f92ee78d9e9a04d51d890fafd3d6772/tumblr_o4xsieeQRU1sx8o26o1_540.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] [h3][b][i][color=0033ff][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=0033ff]Name:[/color][/b]Calanon Aenerion [b][color=0033ff]Aliases:[/color][/b]Cal [b][color=0033ff]Age:[/color][/b] 45 [b][color=0033ff]Race:[/color][/b] Elf [b][color=0033ff]Alignment:[/color][/b] Neutral Good [b][color=0033ff]Place of Origin:[/color][/b] The High Forest [b][color=0033ff]Gender:[/color][/b] M [b][color=0033ff]Class:[/color][/b] Ranger [h3][b][i][color=0033ff][center]Stats[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=0033ff][i][center]Though we will not be rolling dice for feats, this will give a base line to run off of for your character. Max for any stat is 20, average is 10. You have 75 stat point to assign between the six stats. [/center][/i][/color] [b][color=0033ff]Strength:[/color][/b]15 [b][color=0033ff]Dexterity:[/color][/b]15 [b][color=0033ff]Constitution:[/color][/b]12 [b][color=0033ff]Intelligence:[/color][/b]9 [b][color=0033ff]Wisdom:[/color][/b]12 [b][color=0033ff]Charisma:[/color][/b]12 [h3][b][i][color=0033ff][center]Physical Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=0033ff]Height:[/color][/b]5'8 [b][color=0033ff]Weight:[/color][/b]145 pounds [b][color=0033ff]Build:[/color][/b]Athletic [b][color=0033ff]Eyes:[/color][/b]Dark blue [b][color=0033ff]Hair:[/color][/b]Brownish Red [b][color=0033ff]Skin Tone:[/color][/b]Fair [b][color=0033ff]Racial Abilities:[/color][/b]Elven senses (Excellent hearing. Can see well in low light, such as night time with mere starlight.) [b][color=0033ff]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b]Jagged black mark on his left hand and arm [b][color=0033ff]Day To Day Attire:[/color][/b]Forest Green tunic, trousers. Mithral chain vest. Sturdy traveling boots. [b][color=0033ff]Strengths:[/color][/b]Eagle Eye, Perfect Balance, Great Leap [b][color=0033ff]Weaknesses:[/color][/b]Fish out of water in Cities, Lack of Knowledge of areas outside of the forest, self critical. [h3][b][i][color=0033ff][center]Psychological Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=0033ff][center]Calm * Determined * Fierce * Respectful[/center][/color][/i] [b][color=0033ff]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Straight [b][color=0033ff]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Single [b][color=0033ff]Personality:[/color][/b] Calanon is a calm and serene Elf. He has an old soul and a quiet reserve about him that can be either calming or intimidating to the right people. He won't hesitate to make lighthearted jokes to his friends, though. He enjoys playing the Ocarina and listening to others sing along with his tunes. A fireside chat or a walk in the forest is just the kind of thing he'd call a good time. In battle, Calanon takes a drastic turn. He becomes as determined and fierce as a wolf, eyes lit with an inner fire and face held in a stern snarl. He gives great war cries that pierces the hearts of his foes. Years spent defending his forested homeland has instilled in him an intense desire to protect and serve those whom he loves. He's kind to animals and innocents, and gives everyone he meets respect and honor. [b][color=0033ff]Habits:[/color][/b] Tends to bow in greeting. Tends to play his Ocarina to cheer others up. Loves to leap into the air when particularly excited. [b][color=0033ff]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Playing his Ocarina. [b][color=0033ff]Fears:[/color][/b] [list] [*]Harm coming to Brogach, Safira, or any loved ones. [*]Deforestation on a massive scale [*]Unnatural curses [/list] [b][color=0033ff]Likes:[/color][/b] [list] [*]Animals [*]Forests [*]Song [*]Archery [*]Swordsmanship [*]Traveling [*]Stories [/list] [b][color=0033ff]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list] [*]Disrespect [*]Wanton Violence [*]Wasteful cities [*]Too much strong drink [*]Undead [*]Poachers/Lumberjacks [/list] [h3][b][i][color=0033ff][center]Skills[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=0033FF][i][center]A listing of skills, such as horseback riding, and natural abilities, such as night vision - this also includes any racial edges[/center][/i][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Far Leap[/color][/b] Known for his powerful legs, Calanon can leap high and far. Enjoyed climbing and jumping from tree to tree as a child, enhancing his leap. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Acrobatics[/color][/b]Able to flip and tumble in and out of battle. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Shield Proficiency[/color][/b] Wields a Shield when in close combat. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Handle Animal (Elk)[/color][/b]Can tame and ride Wild Elks. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Animal Empathy[/color][/b] Can befriend, or keep out of the ire from dangerous woodland animals (does not count towards creatures of evil alignment). [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Balance[/color][/b]Can keep his balance in precarious situations. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Sword Proficiency[/color][/b]Effective wielding a sword. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Sword and Shield Speciality[/color][/b] Most Effective when wielding both together. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Woodland Sneak[/color][/b]Can move through the forest silently (without shield) [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Bullseye[/color][/b] Excellent shot with a bow. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Survival[/color][/b]Can make hidden camps and live among the woods safely. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Alertness[/color][/b] Keen to pick up on noises, people, scent, etc that are out of place [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Spot[/color][/b] Ability to find and see those using the Hide skill [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Swim[/color][/b] Can swim without hindrance, including while in light armor and with pack. Needs to unequip shield or will be encumbered. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Concentration[/color][/b] Can keep his focus in harsh situations [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Hide[/color][/b] When holding still with minimal coverage or in shadows you will go unnoticed if someone tries to spot you [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:War Scream[/color][/b] Gives an intimidating battle cry as he strikes, unnerving his opponents. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Light Armor Proficiency[/color][/b]Move effectively in light armor. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Mounted Combat[/color][/b]Can fight effectively on his mount. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Ocarina player[/color][/b] Plays his Ocarina with skill. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Woodland Medicine[/color][/b] Knows how to tend wounds with herbal remedies and local plant life. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Steady[/color][/b] Difficult to make him dizzy [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Weapon Proficiency[/color][/b] Can wield spears, daggers, and maces with some skill. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Skill:Unarmed combat[/color][/b] Can hold his own in an unarmed fight. [/list] [h3][b][i][color=0033ff][center]Magic[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=0033ff][i][center]A listing of spells, their descriptions - casting times, elements needed to cast, expected damage, any draw packs to casting - Limit 5 for single class, limit 3 for dual class - magic classes only[/center][/i][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=0033ff]Spell:[/color][/b]Serene Music: Playing the song 'Glade of Serenity' on his Ocarina can calm the spirits of his allies and incite animals to approach and be lulled into a sense of security. Does not work on evil creatures or creatures in the middle of attacking. Takes a post to effect and lasts depending on the creature. Irritable creatures are only effected until the song ends, perhaps a few minutes after if no one makes sudden moves. Calmer ones might remain friends. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Spell:[/color][/b] Sense taint: Can sense the presence of undead, vampires, and curses (vaguely) by his cursed arm throbbing. Makes his arm weakened through pain(initially, perhaps for a post or two). [/list] [h3][b][i][color=0033ff][center]Possessions[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=0033ff]Possessions Generally On Person:[/color][/b] Clothing, coin purse, money, etc [list] [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Night blue tunic and trousers. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Food bag (consists of nuts/berries) [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Ocarina [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Clay bowl and beater (to mix herbs) [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Water Jug [/list] [b][color=0033ff]Weapons:[/color][/b] Personal weapons, no magically enhanced items [list] [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Elven Longsword [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Elven dagger [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Recurve Bow [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] 30 Elven Arrows [/list] [b][color=0033ff]Armor:[/color][/b] Base armor only, no magically enhanced items [list] [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Chainmail hauberk [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Heater Shield [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Leather Bracers [/list] [b][color=0033ff]Animals:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=0033ff]Animal:[/color][/b] Red Elk Mount called "Brogach." [/list] [b][color=0033ff]Pack Contents:[/color][/b] What do you carry in you pack when traveling [list] [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] 10 pounds of salted beef [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] 10 Oz of Guaren Juice [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] 50 more arrows [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Oil/Sword cleaning kit [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Lantern Leaf [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Ethilas (good for treating wounds) [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Gerr'fel Flower (helps stop bleeding) [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Ithilfoil Weed (used to cause sleep) [/list] [b][color=0033ff]Magical Items:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Ocarina: Blessed by being dipped into Phelqwyn's glade waters. [/list] [b][color=0033ff]Potions:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Healing Salve (premade). Heals minor wounds, and halts bleeding and lightly heals moderate wounds. [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Lantern Phial (premade). Glows like a torch for a few hours. [/list] [b][color=0033ff]Creation Materials:[/color][/b] [list] [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Lantern Leaf [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Ethilas (good for treating wounds) [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Gerr'fel Flower (helps stop bleeding) [*] [b][color=0033ff]Item:[/color][/b] Ithilfoil Weed (used to cause sleep) [/list] [h3][b][i][color=0033ff][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=0033ff]Parents:[/color][/b] Unknown [b][color=0033ff]Siblings:[/color][/b] Adoptive brother Talem [b][color=0033ff]Childhood:[/color][/b] [list] [*]Born in an unknown location, Calanon was found outside the palisade walls of the forest village of Pera, a small town filled with Half Elves, renegade Elves, and a stark few human hunters. [*]Raised by Talem's family, apart of a wood Elf village not far. Grew up within both settlements. He would sometimes sneak into the city of Fairgarden. [*]Fell into the Fairgarden castle walls when very young, having a penchant for climbing and leaping leading him to this certain off-limits area, and met the young Safira Honeystone by happenstance. They became taken with one another and grew to be friends, visiting every so often for years. [*]Before reaching maturity, he focused on training his body (especially legs) for him to be able to leap from tree to tree to follow foes stealthily. [*]Joined the WayWatchers at age 20 as his brother joined the Wood Elf corps. Fought Orcs and Gnolls with distinction. Became assigned to protect the forest near the town of Ashi, a small village of shamanistic humans. [*]Was quickly invited to join the Corps. with Talem, on the condition he can patrol near Ashi's borders still. Talem joined him. Was gifted the blessed sword Stargleam for playing the role of town protector. [/list] [b][color=0033ff]Adulthood:[/color][/b] [list] [*]Raises Brogach after saving him from hunters. [*] War occurred between Orc tribes and the federation of civilized towns. Talem found a certain abandoned temple, and became cursed. The war brought together Beren, Roan, Kane, and Calanon together, forging a lasting friendship between them. After one particular battle, Calanon was healed by Idalia the witch, though she was cryptic on her reasoning for doing so. Turned out the Orcs rose up after being led by Di'Xanos. Their leader escaped after the war concluded. [*]Talem discovered with dark curse that turns their hosts into Dark Elves and destroys all moral inhibitions. Calanon returns to Ashi and finds it on fire. Fights and kills his adoptive brother, but not without being cursed himself in the process. [*]Is banished from the town for being infected with evil, though he is told that it would not turn him into a Dark Elf as it would Talem. It would simply slowly kill him, for he had a human descendent long ago and the curse does not fit with anyone but full blooded elf lineage. They take his magic sword, Stargleam. [*]Brogach and Calanon made their way north and were discovered by the Nymph Phelqwyn, destroying the majority of the curses power in exchange for his loyalty and services. Telling him she senses in him one of the three virtues of this world, specifically 'courage.' He was tasked with finding the Druid Yol'Drik, who was being held captive far to the northeast by barbarians, 'advised' by the mystic Ric'Chlod, who sought to extract sacred secrets from Yol'Drik. Calanon rescued Yol'Drik, thwarting the dark mystic and brought the druid back to the Nymph. The Nymph pledging to call upon him again when the need arises, and awarded him the Ocarina. [*] Made one last visit to Safira, telling her he could not be seen around a high priestess with this cursed arm, even if the effects were destroyed. He could still sense its taint. She gave him his equipment, and told him one day they would meet again. [*]On his travels, Calanon saved 'Secret' the informant from Varo'Shus, paid by a client to kill her for knowing too much. [/list] [b][color=0033ff]Special Moments:[/color][/b] [list] [*]Meeting Safira [*]Meeting Brogach [*]Lifting the curse of the Dorcha [/list] [b][color=0033ff]Current Events:[/color][/b] After saving Yol'Drik for Phelqwyn, Calanon and Brogach have been traveling alone, patrolling the high forest and searching for the legend of the sword, Weald, told to him by the Nymph. If he is to be helping the forest and those in need, that sword would be a great asset. He also searches for a way to permanently destroy his cursed arm. [h3][b][i][color=0033ff][center]Relations[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=0033ff][center]⚜ High Ranking * ☯ Neutral * ☮ Friends * ♥ Crush * ⚤ Significant Other * ☠ Enemy[/center][/color] [color=0033ff][i][center]You may work out several predone relations as NPCs you control. Limit one high ranking character, minimal of one sworn enemy - all npcs are limited to base information and items within the Rp. Relations can be worked out between player character before start of Rp if you wish and added to during the Rp [/center][/i][/color] [list] [*] ⚜☮(♥?)[b][color=0033ff]Safira Honeystone:[/color][/b]Princess of Elwya, close friend to Calanon, High Priestess of the Olorin Shrine. [*] ☠[b][color=0033ff]Ric'Chlod:[/color][/b] Dark Mystic and power hungry usurper. [*] ☮[b][color=0033ff]Beren:[/color][/b] Warrior Monk, idealist fighter. [*] ☯(☮?)[b][color=0033ff]Roan:[/color][/b] Silent and grim Swordmage [*] ☯(☮?)[b][color=0033ff]Idalia of Ebonmoor:[/color][/b] Darkly beautiful witch/alchemist/other [*] ☮[b][color=0033ff]Kane:[/color][/b] Honorable Dragonborn warrior who seeks the hammer Ekrundir [*] ☯☮[b][color=0033ff]Secret:[/color][/b] Female Elven rogue/informant [*] ☠[b][color=0033ff]Varo'Shus:[/color][/b] Vampire, killer for hire [*] ☠[b][color=0033ff]Dai'Xanos:[/color][/b] Wielder of the Doomblade [*] ☮[b][color=0033ff]Yol'Drik:[/color][/b] Druid with questionable motives [*] ☮[b][color=0033ff]Brogach:[/color][/b] Life companion and battle partner, mount. [*] ☮[b][color=0033ff]Phelqwyn:[/color][/b] Nymph, and liege-lady. [*] ☮[b][color=0033ff]Verya:[/color][/b] Ranger squad leader [*] ☮[b][color=0033ff]Melima:[/color][/b] Fellow Elf ranger [/list] [h3][b][i][color=0033ff][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=0033ff]Character Quote:[/color][/b] "I have heard before that one who enjoys solitude is either a great man or a beast. Either one suits me just fine." "I do not wish to kill you, but make no mistake that I will if I must" "If the Stars will" [b][color=0033ff]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJIaob3KjqI]Anthem of the Lonely[/url] [b][color=0033ff]Aura Color:[/color][/b] Midnight Blue [b][color=0033ff]Scent:[/color][/b] Blueberry [b][color=0033ff]Anything Else:[/color][/b] [/hider]