[color=483D8B][h1]|The Shield Maiden|[/h1][/color] [hider=Image][img]https://pp.vk.me/c625831/v625831956/3eb38/dbMATbr8i3k.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=483D8B][b][NAME][/b][/color] [indent]Lyanna[/indent] [color=483D8B][b][ORIGIN][/b][/color] [indent]Badarium[/indent] [color=483D8B][b][AGE][/b][/color] [indent]Late twenties to early thirties[/indent] [color=483D8B][b][APPEARANCE][/b][/color] [indent]People of Badarium were often graced with elegant beauty, delicate features and voluptuous bodies. Lyanna was, for the most part, no exception from the rule. With her soft, pale skin, wavy black hair, comely features and auburn eyes, she certainly caught the gazes of many a man and even a few women, though most were unintentional. However, what one would see at first sight was not all true, for underneath her armor, this 1.71m tall woman would boast a muscular body which contrasted with her feminine curves, the result of hard physical training which also granted her a physical strength comparable with the toughest of men, an aspect which took many by utter surprise due to her appearance. Her rebirth did deteriorate her visage, her skin adopting a shade of grey, her eyes loosing most of their shine and color, and there was also a long, thin gash now ever present on her torso, reaching from her bellybutton and straight upwards stopping just below her collarbone.[/indent] [color=483D8B][b][PERSONALITY][/b][/color] [indent]Courageous, level-headed and loyal to a fault, Lyanna was often commended for these traits by her liege Lord, who more often than not also praised her beauty but she always paid no mind to that, dedicated to serving him loyally and competently as the captain of his personal guard and nothing more. That is to say, she was not always sour and dour, she felt most comfortable when surrounded by her fellow soldiers, the sense of camaraderie that was created through her leadership made them seem like family, the only real family she ever had. Of course, rumors travel far and wide in the Kindom of Badarium and there was much discussion of the female guard captain who became ‘awfully close’ with her subordinates, yet just like the flirtatious intentions of her liege Lord, Lyanna paid no mind to such talk. If the common folk felt secure enough from other dangers that they were able to speak of such things, among others, then it meant she was doing her job properly and that was good enough for her.[/indent] [color=483D8B][b][SKILLS & TALENTS][/b][/color] [indent][color=483D8B][i]Shield Master[/i][/color] – Lyanna is a skilled warrior, virtually unmatched with a shield in hand. This style of combat is one that requires a strong arm and iron determination, both of which Lyanna possesses in spades, capable of anticipating and blocking attacks only to retaliate with devastating force. [color=483D8B][i]Bravery[/i][/color] – Fighting in the front line is no task for those faint of heart, Lyanna always keeping an uncanny cool temper even in the face of the most horrific of adversaries. Once she has set a defensive line, she will not yield until her last breath has been given, proving time and again that she will not be easily distraught. [color=483D8B][i]Hearty Constitution[/i][/color] – Unlike the vast majority of women from her land, Lyanna would spend most of her time undertaking grueling physical training, pushing her body to the limit and overcoming it. With a hard back, iron stomach and a strong arm, Lyanna could not be easily toppled and could take down men twice her size. [/indent] [color=483D8B][b][INVENTORY][/b][/color] [indent][b][i]Damaged Plate Armor[/i][/b] – This type of armor is the very symbol of a strong and noble knight, offering great protection while sacrificing mobility. This one, however, has seen better days as the breastplate is battered and broken, missing its upper left side as well as its gorget and right spaulder. Along with that, the entire plating of the right arm seems to be missing, the only thing offering protection being the scalemail shirt underneath which reaches just before the elbow, leaving the left forearm completely exposed. The left side of the armor, the chausses and steel-toed boots are faring no better, being battered and worn but at least they are still there. [i][b]Worn Heather Shield[/b][/i] – A metal shield which offers great protection as well as being light enough to maneuver by a skilled wielder. Time has not been kind to it, being bent, battered and worn to such an extent that even the once proud crest on its surface has become faded and unrecognizable. [i][b]Broken Arming Sword[/b][/i]– The standard issue one-handed sword wielded by any warrior who boasts competence in combat. That is what it once was before whatever unfortunate events rendered it in this state, the blade being dull and broken in half, making it quite worthless. However, ‘near worthless’ trumps ‘empty handed’. [/indent] [color=483D8B][b][GIFT OF REBIRTH][/b][/color] [indent][color=483D8B][i]Unnatural Might[/i][/color] – Since her rebirth, Lyanna has discovered that she possesses an odd, unknown power which triggers, apparently, randomly. This power would manifests itself under the form of many wisps of crimson smoke emanating from her body along with the color(or current lack of color) of her eyes turning to a deep, vibrant red. The effects resulting in a great adrenaline surge coursing through her, removing any sign and sensation of fatigue from her body and increasing her physical strength tenfold, allowing her to shrug off all but the most devastating of blows while delivering unfathomable punishment. This effect does not last long, however, nor can Lyanna ‘trigger’ it on her own. Could this strange power be a gift from the Gods… or something else entirely? [/indent]