[center] "Humanity stands at a crossroads, we must understand that no longer will we survive by putting off human nature. War is inevitable, just as it is horrible. We cannot avoid it, but we cannot embrace it. We must understand that we are on the edge of a new Great War that will take all of us by storm bring upon a destruction not seen by humans since World War 2." -Wyatt Sage, 48th President of the United States and 1st President of the Republic of America (Speech from October 15th, 2050) [hr] That speech was made 5 days before the Second American Civil War. The conflict that changed the political spectrum of all of modern civilization, with the Republic of America, a Far-Right conservative nation that would revolt against the United States of America, led at the time by the older sister of Wyatt Sage, Olivia (49th President). She was on the complete opposite side of the political spectrum, as she would base her beliefs off of Bernie Sanders. Wyatt, on the other hand, would claim to be the bringer of Nationalism and Respect back to the United States. The war would be bloody, but other than a few nations claiming support for some of the sides, it would just stay a conflict in the former Union. Wyatt Sage would be selected as leader of the RoA because of his experience in politics and beliefs. Eventually it would fall to a stalemate and the two would sign an armistice, with neither side recognizing the other, but neither side ready to act to end each other. It is now May 15th, 2096, and the Great War that Wyatt Sage spoke of has not come, but it seems to be growing so close. Tensions between the former USA and RoA still remain high, and the rest of the world seems poised to act as they all begin to pick sides of who they'll support. [hr] Hello my fellow NRPers, I am RWDS (if anyone can guess what that stands for than you'll get a virtual Trump Bobblehead) and this is my Idea for an RP. Its far in the future, so technology is much more advanced (Orbital Strike Platforms, Colonies on the closer planets and moons, etc) and the overall geo-political landscape has changed. You will make nations (Please make them realistic, don't have it so somehow the Neo-Assyrians return and commit a mass genocide on all of the surrounding populace and conquer all of the Middle East, and don't make your nation a monarchy unless it makes proper since to the story. Dictatorships and Minor Colonies are both fine. If you don't know if your idea will work or not, just ask) and see how they'll fair on the world stage. Will they pick the Side of the RoA, the USA, or will they stay neutral? This is all up to you. I'll post the map, rules, and nation sheet once this gets to OOC. Also, I claim the lower United States, Cuba, Puerto Rico, and possibly parts of Mexico (for the RoA), and please, if someones willing to play the USA tell me, I'll go through and give them the basic lore and from there they can add their own. [/center]