A blast of sickly green acid spiraled into the air, smashing upon the gravedigger's shovel which sliced through the wind. Whilst most of the acid splattered upon the weapon, a few drops dripped down Leon's arms, causing nasty red burns to blotch his skin. He attempted to back away, but a familiar wall of spectral meshes surrounded him. Being burned with acid whilst caged in the Box stacked the odds against the gravedigger as his yellow eyes noticed Raze charging at Thresh, proving that he was alone in this battle, or so he thought. Immediately, Urgot, his foe, became afflicted with a haze of purple shrouds and fog, a tell-tale sign of another champion incoming. Leon spun around, noticing that the helper had given him a hand before charging after Raze. With the malefic visions distracting the horrific construct of a man, Leon barreled through the spectral wall, feeling his energy being sapped out of him as his feet became numb. His knees buckled, his nerves twitched, and his body fell to the floor in a messy heap. His vision dimmed for a few moments, as the onslaught of battle continued to play out around him. Soon, Leon caught his breath and used his shovel to aid his shaky rise. "You," Leon panted, still unable to fully recover from Thresh's spectral walls, even until now, his spine and blood chilled within him. Dark clouds threatened to puncture at his vision, and it took almost everything just for Leon to keep himself standing. "I won't let you get the best of me." Leon declared his resolve before a green burst of prana swirled around him. Then, he raised his shovel before slamming it into the ground, causing a caustic emerald cloud to explode in Urgot's direction, a decaying ghoul rising from the earth attempting to claw at the construct. As soon as more explosions occurred near the café, hurling debris into the air, Leon jumped and gathered energies into his shovel before swinging it at a hurtling slab of concrete. The huge slab was propelled by the shovel's explosion, flying towards Urgot who was shrouded in the green fog. However, the air became chilling and cold. The acidic burns on Leon's face and arms began to throb with pain as more reddish blots appeared on his skin. Leon looked for the source of such a chill when he noticed Claire a few meters away from them, gathering what seemed to be a glacial storm. He felt such a great amount of energy from her spell, and to unleash it here would inevitably cause collateral damage. Leon sprinted, or rather limped hurriedly, towards Claire, his voice calling out to her. "Claire! Don't do it! You're going to kill us all!" he lunged at her, attempting to coil his arms around her to bring her back to reality. The cold and frost around the woman bit and nipped at the gravedigger's skin, but he remained steadfast and continued to fully encase the furious cryomage in his arms, if only to remind her that a mass ice age was not the best answer to this problem. Leon hissed in pain, continuing his resolve. [@DFA][@TheWinchester4][@Adalrod]