Oliver was surprised to find Sanguine rushing out of the portal room at him. He was pretty sure he hadn't taken that long to get ready, so he supposed there must be something serious going on. She claimed the village was under attack, and wanted to use the portal to get there now instead of travelling like normal individuals. Of course, there would be no time to tell anyone about their plans if the place really was being assaulted. Having no idea what the situation was, the warrior had little choice but to follow the vampire's lead. "Let's go then." he said, moving forward whether the Guild Master turned around or not. They were going to need to leave immediately if they wanted to do anything meaningful. An instinctive double-check to ensure that his weapon of choice was sitting where he needed it later, and the Paladin was ready for anything. He began very quietly humming his favourite litany of faith as he waited for his companion to work the portal. Going in blind was a terrible idea, but he trusted Sanguine's judgement. He just hoped it would be obvious whose side they were on when they appeared...