[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/10891677_775949332492130_2453440560305751525_n.jpg?oh=104246662d7af4738decec9e2f591bb1&oe=57BC33ED&__gda__=1469924700_7aa9a47a72853583b74468c3534e43a5[/img] Name: Cloé Grantz Age 12-18: 18 School Year 1st-6th: 6th year Martial Art:(Fictional): -Royal Swordplay: The user of this style focuses most of the attacks on the legs of the oponent with fast and repetitive slashes causing him/her to loose balance. The user must also be quick on his/her feet in order to advance and retreat quickly, jumping forwards and backwards. This style is for one-hand weapons only, the other arm is kept behind the back of the user all the time. -Judo: Not really good at it, just practices it in case she can't use her sword [hider=Weapon: Sword "Sky Piercer"] [img]http://www.gievesandhawkesmilitary.com/acatalog/gieves%20new%20pics%20030.jpg[/img] [/hider] Club (optional): N/A Other info: Descendant of a long since forgotten royal family which now only keeps a secret sword style, Cloé was rised any other person. She tries to stay calm at all times and prefers to reject duels when possible as she thinks it's better to solve problems by talking, maybe because of this her opinions are highly respected by the Discipline Council, the School Council and many other students. Character theme (optional): [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EyI7q1nR-Xs[/url]