[img]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-OiCFzp4nzbw/VjFmzxKUR9I/AAAAAAAAD5w/Yi8Gz4BEeQA0VBld4J_Hai1riNLH46WhACL0B/s331-no/shishio.png[/img] (anime or 3d pic) Name: Lenard Charnock Age 12-18: 16 Grade 1st-6th: 1st year Martial Art:: Real one: Mixed euro style: A mix of multiple european fighting styles to create a unique MMA style. Lenny mostly uses the techniques he has been taught from Savate and all forms of bare knuckle boxing, but he is taught the forms from turkish wrestling and sports boxing. Being that he does not practice the weaponized styles, Lenny has not yet learned the Canne de combate style variant of savate. Weapon: The closest thing Lenny keeps that is like a weapon is his fighting gear. His steel toed shoes that are mandatory for a savate fighter are boots similar to what you may see a pro inside boxer boots. They are a bland brown with black laces and are covered in wear. his gloves are a similar color, but they have become such a nasty way do to a mix of sweat, blood and wear. These gloves are very old, shown by the raw hide they are made from. Club (optional): Drama club Other info: Born in a lower class gutter town in zurich, Lenny was often picked on by the other street kids nearby. It was when he was taken in by a nearby fighting gym's members who protected and befriended him, Lenny decided he was done being a pushover and joined them at the gym. Due to his very disciplined nature, Lenny grew in strength quickly. But this brought him to a new level, as he manages to make win after win, Lenny got into one of the bigger french martial arts tournaments at a young age after a very close fight which he one after falling unconscious just after the other fighter. He worked hard for the next championship but because of his timid nature ultimately resulted in him losing very early into the championship. Having been devastated by his loss Lenny took it out in the only way he knew, which was to train. One day, after he finally started to fight in the ring again, but only locally, he received an invitation to a school where he would be taught and trained as a martial artist. Eagerly he accepted, vowing to come back to france and successfully take his title as one of the best fighters of france. Character theme (optional): Goliath by Streetlight Manifesto "Our School is proud of having such fine warriors"