[u]Across the World[/u] Meteors cascaded across Earth’s atmosphere like pebbles across a pond. Every so often one would dip and fall into the gravity of the planet. Within incorporeal monsters writhed against chains that had held them captive for literally an aeon, or two. They mentally flexed against their bonds, pulling, twisting, shaking, yet they held. Up till now. Within one known as Masara felt one of the links snap, followed by another. As the asteroid exploded over a group of unknown mountains, upon some totally insignificant planet in some backend part of the universe – imprisoned. Once her kind had explored, made the multiverse kneel before their power when her grasp was once not so limited. Yet she was very limited. A Lord of the Outer Plane, compressed, bound, unable to access her greater and more powerful self – that too imprisoned in another plane of existence. Damn the three-headed Lords of Balance, the beings that kept Order and Chaos in check. But she was free, and she revelled in it seeking the first host to possess – moving at the speed of light towards the telluric energy that would take her incorporeal form, elsewhere. [u]Kunlun Mountains[/u] Nemeya walked towards the nexus of telluric energy which flashed and flared green, followed by blue. It wasn’t bright, more a kind of haze, like smoke. As they both approached, they looked a sorry pair. Blood had congealed on his left sleeve, and his hand now hung, uselessly, at an odd angle. “Are you okay?” He winced in pain, “What happened to insulting me? Am I not an old goat now?” She smiled warmly, “Only when it suits you” she retorted. “Why don’t you use magic to heal your hand?” “Why don’t you channel some of that Alpha energy into me?” “You just want me to hold your hand.” “Can’t blame an old man for tryin’” “I can blame you for a lot of things – most of them crude.” “Well you got me gal.” He sighed, “where you off-to anyway?” “Not sure yet” she remarked wryly.