I've been getting it a lot too in between refreshing pages... Here's a more complete list of who we've got, and honestly I'll probably have to cap recruiting for now outside of something we could really use like a Plant Person like [@Gisk] is interested in or a Feral Man/Woman. I'll eventually add which are heroes, villains, and walking the line, as well as who's male and female. _____________________________________________ Archetypes and Marvel examples include: [@Holy Soldier] [s]Super Soldier[/s] ACCEPTED - Soldier of Fortune [@Cuccoruler] [s]Demi-God/Goddess[/s] ACCEPTED - Paul Bunyan [@Marik] [s]Advanced Techno[/s] ACCEPTED - Marionette [color=8dc73f]Feral Man/Woman [Wolverine, Tigra, Beast][/color] [@Aro] Archer/Sharpshooter PRE-APPROVED - Reaper [NEEDS COMPLETED] [@Lmpkio] [s]Size Manipulator[/s] ACCEPTED - Sentinel [@Rocketrobie2] Big Man/Woman PRE-APPROVED Chok-Lad [NEEDS COMPLETED] [@Jotunn Draugr] [s]Vigilante[/s] ACCEPTED - Gunrat [clearly more of a vigilante archetype than wildcard] [@Lord Wraith] [s]Wildcard 1[/s] ACCEPTED - Mayhew [mystic pawn dealer] [@Weird Tales] [s]Wildcard 2[/s] ACCEPTED - Yellowjacket [color=8dc73f]Wildcard 3 Wildcard 4[/color] [@MsMellow]Cosmic Outlaw PRE-APPROVED - Starstryke [NEEDS COMPLETED] [color=8dc73f]Plant Person [Black Tom, Groot][/color] [@The Kid Lantern] [s]Atlantian[/s] ACCEPTED - Sea Snake [my guy] [@FantasyChic] [s]Alien 1[/s] ACCEPTED - Radiance [color=8dc73f]Alien 2 [I'm willing to accept a couple more original alien races to make it a true universal theme][/color] [@The One] [s]Elemental[/s] ACCEPTED - Sekhemi [fire and darkness manipulation] [color=8dc73f]Big Man Villain [Red Hulk, Juggernaut, Abomination][/color] [@Dblade26] [s]Genius[/s] ACCEPTED - Gilgamesh Sinn That's everybody including a few with incomplete CS's I've already pre-approved. Remaining available archetypes are in green, but again I'll be capping recruiting and only accepting characters/archetypes we really need. Probably done with Wildcards for now, and if you'll notice I put Gunrat in the Vigilante spot. If I missed somebody that had already been approved shoot me a PM, if not and you've waited this long to submit even a WIP sheet pickings are super slim for an archetype now. When we get the IC/OOC up this weekend if there are any drop-outs just check with the OP of the new OOC for a list of archetypes that are back on the table. Apologies if you wanted in on this and archetypes became unavailable. Honestly didn't expect this many but we can roll with it. Looking forward to some characters meeting and eventually having a few forms teams and alliances and such! EDIT: It says only 10 mentions were sent but there's clearly more. If you don't get the message you've been accepted I'll try and send PM's or something once the OOC is up to be sure! ~KL~