Listening to what everyone was suggesting and attempting, Bala looked at Rorack for a moment and how he was reacting and rolled his eyes knowing he was going to have to make this up to him soon but he was going to need everyone's cooperation. [b]"okay all are giving good suggestions and all but first thing....these bindings cannot be broken through brute strength and physical maneuverability"[/b] [@Fenfeir] He looked at this boy dislocating his joints to get loose. He looked like a fellow slave just from his image alone but he needed to let him know that his attempts were not going to get him anywhere. [b]"Look.... I admire your efforts but strength and maneuverability will not help you escape from this mystical bond. It would magic....magic can beat from judging what the other said, they may have the ability to get us please sit tight!"[/b] he said to the fellow slave class. [b]"And...we will have someone pop your limbs back in place."[/b] Bala then brought his attention to the two pretty females that mentioned teleporting [@Kitty][@NewMoonGamer] [b]"like I said before...magic can only defeat magic...if you have escaping magic or possibly black magic, you may be able get loose but it depends on your level. You may be able to teleport out the bindings but if you're an amateur at it, you may end up teleporting with the bindings still intact. and this cage here is made of a mineral that's indestructible....and the lock is magical to keep us from getting out unless you can break the lock as well or your teleportation is strong enough to get out despite the magic lock. But the outside will be just as fun to deal with..."[/b] he explained. Then he looked at the human dragon guy who's tail swayed back and forth [@dragonmancer] [b]"With the fury I see in your eyes, if the others cooperate, we can get you free I'll need you to hold on until we are out this cage and you can run wild all you seem powerful and we will need that power to deal with our obstacles outside..."[/b] Bala finally brought his eyes towards the sexy girl who seemed to have multiple personality disorder, the sexy elf girl as well Rorack and the cute boy who spoke Greek to the personality girl. [@Kiss Of Night][@Kit DewStein] [b]" the Greek speaking cutie...I saw that you were able to make your skin metal....can you copy any material and manipulate it? if so, can you make your skin like the bindings? and also...that plan sounds may be useful once we get you can communicate with him, keep him on standby..."[/b] he suggested but it was up to her. He looked at Rorack [b]"We could use your help too...Rorack...we are all in this together...."[/b] He stared on with a serious expression. Nilos smiled from what Titania said [color=f7941d]"Θα ήθελα να σας ευχαριστήσω , αδελφή. Εκτιμώ το είδος χειρονομία σας . Είμαι Νείλος , ο γιος του Άτλαντα."[/color] but frowned from Roxane's words. Nilos turned when Roxane spoke [color=f7941d]I'm glad you're not hurt Miss la-...may I ask your name? I'm Nilos...[/color]