[h1][center][color=gray]Moros Vorsickle[/color][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://cutmypic.com/uploads/title836536591.png[/img][/center] Moros braced for an impact that never came. After waiting a few extra seconds just to make sure he wasn't about to be crushed he pushed his metal barrier away and looked outside. Apparently a giant rock monster had graciously inserted itself between the boulder and himself. [b]"Lefay move the baby."[/b] he said confidently and she assumed his form again, flipping her hand disdainfully to indicate her disinterest with the task and quickly moved the baby cart out of the danger zone. [i]Since when was I a babysitter.[/i]" She mentally whined to him. Moros meanwhile ignored her and analyzed how best to deal with the hulking brute above him. He wasn't exactly a heavy hitter. In fact it seemed like numerous other knights in the area were already attempting to deal with it. Well it would be rude to leave them to deal with, even if they quite likely could. Sighing quietly to himself he gripped his pole in both hands and swung as hard as he could at the nearest part of the golem he could reach.