It seemed everyone was content with what he had said. Although, as Felix announced who was taking point during the mission, he caught a glimpse of something in Yuno. [i]Perhaps doubt? No... more like irritation. [/i] Felix made a mental note of that, and hoped it wouldn't be a problem. "The catacombs, from what I understand, were already there before the Academia found them. The Redwoods have always been a place Talents have congregated. Ancient magi groups whose names since have been lost to the ages held these Redwoods long before we did. Why the Academia chose that location to put the Paragon of Espial, and whether or not they are even aware it is still there are both things I am not sure of. We can speculate all day on those facets, but at the end of the day that's all it would be, speculation." Felix explained. "Well, if you are all finished with your food, I would suggest you get ready for your mission. Grab everything you need, and meet Nemo and Raiya outside in the front of the cabin." Felix tapped on his manadial after a moment everyone's manadials beeped. A blue glow slightly emanated from the crystal of all of the manadials, signalling a a message had been sent. Felix had sent the location of the catacombs. About sixty-four miles north of their current position. "You will be leaving as soon as you are all ready." Felix said, "If you have any questions or need anything from me, I will be in the study." With that Felix took his coffee into the study, and sat down at a desk, opening a book entitled, "[i]Antiquated Tales of the Occult and Arcane.[/i]" [hr] Raiya puffed out a sigh of annoyance, and stood up, walking out of the cabin's front door. There she stood, leaning on a wooden stair rail post, waiting for everyone else to congregate outside.