Hello there! Rejoice, for I am here. Sort of.. Anyways I am also looking for a chance to brush up on the more dynamic style of 1x1 posting that I see happening on this forum. Did a lot of years of roleplaying on a different site, which sadly is closed now, and kinda want to try my hand at stepping away from the comfort zone. The 'wait for 4 other people to post and then progress' kind of thing does, sadly, get a tad tedious. I dunno what else to say here beyond the fact that I'm flexible to whatever you want to write about, I obsess over lore and character background when I get stupidly into something. To the point of not sleeping to tie the strings together in my head. I'm a casual player mostly. Haven't dipped my toes into the 'advanced' section juuust yet but it's on the list! If you're interested let me know. I'm very active, despite working full time.