Archetype: Atlantian Name: Arkylius of Atlantis Alias: Sea Snake Age: 24 Powers: 'Ark has powers based on your average Atlantian native. His physical attributes are heightened giving him additional strength and durability to survive the pressures of the deep. His max lift would be around five tons but he'd be straining, and his skin is hard enough to withstand small arms fire with barely a mark. As an Atlantian he can 'speak' telepathically to water based life forms but it's literally like talking to them. He can't control them at all like Aquaman or keep a shark from tearing into him. Arkylius also has enhanced hearing and vision as well as the ability to breath underwater. In addition to his heightened physicals, the gear 'Ark uses is really what makes him stand out. His black, gray, and yellow scaled suit give him a little more protection and can withstand heavy arms fire where covered. On his calves and partially down his spine are fin like areas that help him propel through the water faster. He'll also wield a spear or something, just can't decide what yet. His hydro-mechanical giant snake that a surface dweller dubbed 'Jake' is his main mode of transportation in water AND on land and is capable of crushing something as large as a school bus with its ability to constrict. The snake as well as 'Ark's suit are also outfitted with stealth tech rendering them both invisible when needed. The snake is roughly seventy feet long [roughly the length of two school busses] and about four feet wide in diameter and can reach speed in the water up to 200 mph. A concealed ear piece links the mind of 'Ark to the machine. Weaknesses: Being on land for too long greatly decreases the level of power in both 'Ark and Jake the Snake. While 'Ark can remain on land for up to four hours before needing hydration, after the four hours he becomes dehydrated quickly and shows the usual signs of that before dying like a fish out of water. The robotic snake only lasts about two hours before needing to be completely submerged in water to charge it's power. The snake's top speed on land is greatly reduced to a mere 50-60 mph. The snake isn't indestructable, but it'd be like trying to take down a tank if you didn't possess super strength or energy hot enough to hamper it's mechanics. Alignment: Hero Personality: Honorable, Loyal, Naive [on land dwellers and their customs], Impulsive, Eager Appearance: Black and gray bodysuit with light armor covering his left arm and his right wrist. Portions are also slightly armored with yellow scaled portions as well as having fins on his calves and spine. His eyes glow a light gold color and 'Ark has long dark-brown hair. Jake the Snake looks like this but with a pair of horn like bumps on its head: [img][/img] BRIEF Bio: Ark was just another 20-something Atlantian native and the nephew of King Orrinus until one day the royal guard of Atlantis had to defend the city and the king from 'the Creature King' who possessed several mostly giant robotic creatures at one time including Jake the Snake. Most of the mechanical creatures were destroyed however Ark found one in stealth mode just outside of the walls of Atlantis. Ark toyed with the machine for nearly a year before adopting a superhero like alias and helping the Royal Guard defend the city against Kraken, the merman Swordfish, as well as the Creature King. When his uncle, the king, realized it was his nephew helping his guards defend against the city's enemies he was actually offended that the young Atlantian didn't think his Royal Guard was capable enough on their own with all of their training and ordered the robot snake be dismantled. Lashing out against his superiors, Ark rebelled and chose to leave the undersea kingdom. Now he's arrived in New Athens, wide eyed and ready to take on the surface world. Storylines: If [@Marik] is cool and is bringing back the person responsible for Marionette's cybernetics I'll need somebody to eventually fix Jake after getting a little too beaten up trying to stop a supervillain who's out of his league. Could lead to a crossover at some point. And [@Lord Wraith] I REALLY want to have a run-in with your pawn shop Gargoyles somewhere for whatever reason. We're located somewhere on the coast of North Carolina in my mind's map with the Appalachians on one side and the Atlantic Ocean on the other. Maybe Mayhew wants to acquire something out of the ocean? Notes: He was originally going to be a reformed villain but I went with the Atlantian archetype instead and made him the unofficial and unwanted hero of Atlantis. _________________________________________ [h1]OOC WILL BE POSTED WITHIN THE NEXT HOUR OR SO![/h1] ~KL~