[@Everett] [i]Gonad wasn't a trickster. He just improvised with style, assuming that raw, unchained muscle could be a style. There was a philosophy for it. To quickly beat an opponent, you needed only the power to conquer, and the means to efficiently deliver that power in such a way as assures victory. Gonad had the power, he had it in excess. Now to see if his opponent could escape the means by which said power was delivered. Sky had shifted his weight backwards and avoided Gonad's grasp, but he hadn't taken a step in retreat and Gonad's foot was placed between Sky's own stompers. Escape to the outside of the barbarian's reach would be difficult. Of course Sky might try to move back in, but Gonad was a grappler by nature, by essence. Getting closer was suicide without redemption or condition. Right now though, what mattered was Gonad's punch. It came slowly at first. Abdominals shifting and grinding as the upper body began its turn, the grisly fist starting to drift forwards like a satellite in orbit. Gonad's rear heel screwed into the rubbery turf as the satellite became a meteor, and then a comet. A blaze of hot glory streaking through the nether, piercing the air as a needle pierces silk. Gonad's face was contorted in a devil's grimace of toil, eyes slit to steaming vents and lips curling with passionate malediction. It was a wicked haymaker, all right, and aimed for Sky's jawline, on the left side. Needless to say Sky would be creamed if it hit, and that would be all folks. There was enough wallop to launch his body into several dozen cartwheels before the inert mass plowed through the bouncy castle and into the dirt hard enough for his head to dig a fifteen meter trench. It was so simple though. A big punch with a ton of wind-up. But... Was it too easy? Sky could predict the barbarian's body, but there was something missing. Something wrong. Gonad's punch wasn't just a punch, but Sky wouldn't be able to tell what, at least not right now. The closest image his mind would be able to come to approximating the barbarians entire action would be something akin to a... a... a...[/i] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/1e/35/cf/1e35cf2236c15acf4c842f241b05a70e.jpg[/img]