[h2][center][color=39b54a]Randar Xenil[/color][/center][/h2] [center][img]http://cutmypic.com/uploads/title42353292.png[/img][/center] This was turning into madness. He had to stop for a second to comprehend the events happening in front of him. A Behemoth Dissonance not only appeared in the middle of town, but just perfectly placed to prevent a large boulder piloted by Mary from crashing into a baby cart. Some metallic barrier came down revealing another Song Knight who attempted to block the boulder in vain. The skeleton wearing a sombrero was shooting fire and swinging a sword aiming for key spots. A new figure leaping up to attempt to kick the Behemoth in the back of the knee. He looked familiar, wait, was that Zachary Arc? Two of his classmates made it here? Off in the distance still another Song Knight was approaching, wielding a guitar, sitting on some throne, and accompanied by 2 sets of armor. If the Behemoth was a threat, it's chances were dropping rapidly. As he glanced around, he noticed Mary was falling from the sky with what appeared to be her Spirit coming to save her. [i]I can't fly so I hope your Spirit is quick enough[/i] he quickly thought to himself. A lame excuse, but nothing he could do about it. Despite this, only the metal knight was concerned with protecting the people in the area. Randar was gonna help there, he pulled out his small piccolo. Its light catching off the morning sun as he played a musical tune that projected an aura of confidence. [i]A nice song to calm the people down so I can direct them out of here[/i], he thought. Once the people were safe, he would see to the Behemoth. After all, there was a good chance the other knights would be able to distract it long enough. He glanced at Cothyl again, hoping somehow checking more often would change the situation, slightly bigger, but not much. He shook his head, he couldn't sit back any longer. "[color=39b54a]Cothyl, aim for the creatures eyes, try to blind it with what you have available.[/color]" Cothyl was happy to finally get to do something besides being quiet and unremarkable. Randar turned his head, still people around, gawking and frozen in fear. [i]Why can't they just run away when these things happen?[/i] No one's injured, so let's make sure it stays that way. He played a new tune for the nearby civilians to follow him out of the area, a pied piper of the city. If it wasn't in a bad situation, he would have laughed at how silly he looked leading such a large crowd out of here. He felt bad leaving Cothyl to handle helping the fight against the Behemoth, but he's a big boy, well, not yet. Cothyl ran into the battle zone, a roughly 4 foot tall lizard with a faint glow on his back. He knew it was dangerous, but Randar always insisted on protecting the weak whenever possible. He would have preferred some more time, but he had to try. He mustered his energy, "[color=f7941d]look at the glowing lizard you overgrown rock monster[/color]" he muttered. It wasn't gonna be much, but a well placed shot should spare some time for an opening. With all these Song Knights, surely this would be over quickly. He took aim, ready to interfere. After all, Not too many shots could be done, so they had to count.