Hey there, Thanks for checking out my first 1x1 Interest check. I'm not entirely sure on how to word it correctly so bare with me. [b]What am I interested in right now?[/b] Post Apocalyptic/dystopian A low fantasy/medieval - Dysfunctional duo's - Dysfunctional/complicated romance - Fallen Hero x New Hero - Redemption Captor x Prisoner on their journey I really enjoy discussing ideas back and forth so please don't be shy in sharing them. [hider=My plot idea(M x F)] I would like to discuss building two characters for a survival journey, I have been replaying 'The Last of Us' again (Honestly the BEST game I have ever played hands down) and I love how Joel and Ellie's relationship develops over the course of their journey. I would love to recreate something similar with our characters in our own setting but with older characters. I'm going to honest, I'm not interested in having characters younger than 25y.o. I want them to have the feel that they have life experience, they can be sarcastic, jaded, pessimistic etc. I'll refer to the older characters in T.L.O.U- they felt real, they were not always happy go lucky everything is awesome type. My character would be female and yours male. Anyway we can discuss the details in PM.[/hider] [b]What type of partner I'm looking forward to writing with...[/b] -Someone who is laid back but enthusiastic in building characters and worlds. I work hard during the week and I write during my down time as a hobby, so my posts can vary from once a day to once a week. If that is not acceptable for you then unfortunately we might not be compatible. -I'll do my best to be to have correct spelling and grammar, I hope you will do the same. -Post lengths are not so much of an issue. I can write from one paragraph to several, it will all depend on what's needed at the time. So as long as it's not one or two lines we will be okay. -Able to build believable [u]flawed[/u] characters. -Over 18 years of age. -Doesn't mind to OOC chat about anything and everything :) [b]What I will not be interested in.[/b] -Pure smut, I have no objection to romance and to be honest I would enjoy developing a character romance IF the characters are right. -Canibalism, incest, unnecessary torture. If your interested in my idea or have a few of your own that you would like to share, [b][u]please send a PM.[/u][/b] Cheers All