[quote=@Spoo] So this is more of an indicator of my ever-growing anxiety than an actual problem, but the way post count is shown right next to "days since joining" right on every post I submit just destroys my nerves. I'm not exactly a consistent RPer; I'll join a game or two every couple of months and hang out and post until the things die (which, unfortunately, happens pretty quickly in most cases). Then, my RP hunger sated for the time, I pursue other hobbies. Rinse and repeat for two years. Now I've posted 100 times over the course of 700 days and I constantly worry that someone is gonna think I'm an unreliable player or something because I disappear for long periods of time, even if I do take care not to abandon any RPs. [/quote] A good partner/GM would look beyond that and see the quality of such work. Some people stick to the PMs as well so they don't have a high post count. It's all good if you don't have thousands of posts.