Hope this is not too bad. ;w; [color=f7976a]Name:[/color] Aylea Coldstone [color=f7976a]Age:[/color] 56 [color=f7976a]Race:[/color] High Elf [color=f7976a]Physical Description:[/color] [hider=Similar to this][img]http://i.imgur.com/bsttcq5.png[/img][/hider] Tall, lean and muscular, her build was fitting for one who travels the world. She usually wears a warm dark green cloak over her armor and clothing, hiding her features as well with the hood on the cloak. It was not as much for hiding as it is for travelling, so it is made from rather thick material enough to repel the elements. [color=f7976a]Personality:[/color] An elf through and through, she acts aloof most of the time, though it was less 'I do not like people and abhors contact with them' but more towards 'I don't really know how to handle people'. Tries to remain as logical as possible under any situation, preferring to have a lot more information before judging anything. Of course, this may come off as being indecisive to some people, as she is loathe to make a decision on the spot without knowing more about any given situation. [color=f7976a]Background:[/color] Having been born and raised in Quel'thalas, she, of course, learned of archery, magic and swordfighting from an early age. However, she is far more interested in travelling, learning about new things, and new sights rather than the more martial arts or casting magic. She grew up and was assigned as a ranger, patrolling through the forests and roads to dissuade bandits and the likes from attacking anyone travelling those roads. The wilderness was no stranger to her, and she learned a great deal during her travels. She became a competent archer and ranger, being fast with her hands and faster yet with her hands, though those that managed to lock swords with her often found out to their surprise that she was far better with a sword and shield than she was with just a bow. Having been relatively relatively close to the city when it fell, she had fled immediately, using her speed to reach as many outposts, settlements and villages to warn them before the undead reached them.