[center][h2][b][i]Formal Withdraw From RP[/i][/b][/h2][/center] It is with great sadness that I am formally stepping down as Co-Gm and withdrawing from this RP. It has been a wild ride of twists and turns; many feels and frustrations. I have laughed until I cried and been on the edge of my chair to see what happens next many times. This type of combination in the RP made it very enjoyable not only to be a part of but just to read. I will deeply miss the character interactions and story creation with many of you. I am especially regretful to be leaving because of the story ideas I will not be able to complete with some of you; Char, Uni, X, Aewin. Please forgive me. Some of you may be wondering why I am leaving after all the time and effort I have placed here, some of you are already well aware why, some I know feel the same. I am leaving the RP not because of not wanting to see what happens next or to continue some of these amazing story lines; some of which have been put into work since before the first IC post. It is because this Rp has turned into far more of a headache than a pleasure. For a time as Co-Gm I did not mind the extra work because of the respect I held for our GM. It was tedious though, feeling like I had become the grunt worker to try to hold this RP afloat and keep it moving while the GM gave very little in return to our Rpers. Hushed, you have amazing ideas for RP's. Ones that have drawn myself and others in more than once. The thing is though you do not hold yourself to the same standards that you expect of your Rpers and do not follow your own rules. I understand that life has been hard for you at times; for as long as I have known you as a GM; Dec 2015. You have my sympathy with the hardships and I have never held any animosity towards you for having to vanish from time to time because of real life. It comes first and I was glad to help in anyway I could. What though has frustrated me is that even when you are here, you are not here. This RP has been unparalleled compared to others I have seen. You had the trifecta of RP Perfection; good story-line, good active rpers that get along, and interesting characters. But when you are around you really don't treat it with the respect it deserves or return the respect and work you have been given by the Rpers. I understand wanting to create new story's, new RP's. We all do it. We either create many or join others because no one's interest is singular. But you create story after story after story and flake on them constantly only to create even more. You don't keep up with your own RP's. You do NOT read posts; this is clear by the replies you give missing not just small details but HUGE ones. (Several in your last post alone) Not just once but time and time again. You time skip just when you do not want to deal with a scene anymore or a day even if others have things in play they need to work through. You rarely post, take forever to when you do, say you will post and then a week or more will pass while you are active elsewhere just leaving everyone in one RP hanging. Only to do the same to another RP when you get active elsewhere. You have even flaked out so much as to have me create entire posts for you that I have had to post. Not colabs, just me running your characters. (Which I didn't mind because it kept things moving for the rest but it really shouldn't be up to someone else to post for you.) People will post, going by your rules, then you will put the breaks on things and everything goes flat while they wait for you. Or you will step away and things will pick back up, only to have you show up again and tell everyone to stop again and it dies yet again. It becomes a tedious headache. People will tag you or pm you; much of the time you will not reply to them. People trying to get advice or a question answered. They turn to me or others for answers; explaining they tried to contact you first. Excuses are made for you and such. Again, did not mind for a while but over time it really got to be too much. Rpers and Co-Gm's are there to support you but you seem to have taken that as it is our job to keep everything going while you take the credit. It has left a bad taste in several players mouths. All of this combined with the act that you seem to create characters and scenes that seem to only be there so that that one character is the center of attention and no one else can create their own character growth. As if this is the Hushed Show. It has been hard to work such things into the RP, though some have been successful but only for a time. Hushed, you have the talent to be a Great GM. You have a talent for creating rich and powerful story lines that draw people in. I know what I am saying will be hard to swallow and that you may even lash out at me either here or via pm; you may even report this to the mods to have it removed so it is not here anymore. Please though, take it as just a blunt observation of your Gming ways and use it to become a better GM. Decide just how much you should actually put on your plate instead of spreading yourself too thin; find a way to focus your talents instead of flaking out on people. You have many dedicated Rpers that love the stories you create; don't leave them hanging by jumping from RP to RP to RP. It is far better to have one great RP than a dozen that fizzle out. You had that here. Do better for your Rpers, they deserve it. Especially this group. I wish you all well in the RP world and hope to see many of you in the future as part of other RP's. Stay creative and bright. You truly have been one of the best Rp groups I have had the honor of Rping with in my decades of RP. Lady A~