You are elite Battle Brothers of the Death Watch, the Chamber Militant of the Ordos Xenos. It is your role to seek out the worst foes that the Imperium may face, and eradicate them utterly. You were once normal Space Marines of your prespective chapters, though since drafted into the Death Watch for showing immense skill at arms, or titanic tacial knowledge. Your first missions will be harsh, such is the life of the Death Watch, though further action may yet see events unfold... Remember, even your most fervent of brothers may yet turn to heretical ways... There shall be four character slots for this RP, as I am aiming for a somewhat smaller group of people, though more can be included if this gains any sort of popularity. More or less ALL of the Death Watch books are avaliable for use should you wish, and do feel free to use your own custom chapters. I would ask, as usual, for people to exercise some consideration towards their fellow RP'ers when it comes to classes and whatnot. [u][i][b]NOTE ABOUT CHARACTERS! - The folio text does not show up when linking it, just screenshot the "Combat Profile" and the "Astertes Profile"[/b][/i][/u] The current members are: [@MaxxRocker] [@Natsucooldude] [@Al]