As soon as Mozu's tears could be seen, Lucius covered his mouth with his right hand. He was trying to remain emotionless but tears of his own were forming in his eyes and his expression was one of despair as he listened to her. What he had feared the most had happened, The Knight of Angels had hurt Mozu. He tried in vain to interrupt her, [color=gold] "Mozu... please.." [/color] but it was no use, she did not listen to him and before Lucius knew it, she was walking away from. He tried to follow her, but the crowd was just too much and he had a feeling that she might have changed into her dog form. Lucius stood there in that crowd, silent tears ran down his face. His voice broke as he spoke out loud, [color=gold]"I never wanted t-to hurt you."[/color] He bowed his head out of sadness, and then it began to rain. Lucius sank to his knees as the crowds slowly began to disperse, trying to get out of the downpour. He sat there however, his hair becoming increasingly wet and began to cover his face. His clothes became a dripping mess but he did not move. The Knights emotions were running amok in his heart. Why was he so sad? Why was he so upset? Images of Mozu flashed in his head and of Octavia, the princess of light. He had forgiven her but the wounds she had inflicted were more like a curse. Lucius clutched his fists tightly as he remembered being wounded by the damnable creature in the clearing. Once again, Octavia should have left him to die but she didn't. Instead she cursed him and he forgave her but Lucius realized, in the long run of things, that his forgiveness was meaningless. Then there was Mozu. The werewolf that turned into a dog, who had ultimately wanted him but could not accept that Lucius was unsure of himself. How could he make a promise to never leave her? Relationships die, circumstances change, people die and love fades away. But he would have never betrayed her, would never have given her up for money. But it was his fault after all, that she now hated him. Perhaps if he had said they could work things out, the previous outcome could have been different. Or perhaps if he had the strength to become a child of the dark... The thought sent shivers down his spine. Would he ever be able to get over his fear? So it continued, Lucius sat there as it rained and thought upon his recent life. Octavia had cursed him, Mozu had actually left him for good and he hated himself for what he was not able to do. Perhaps if he had a bit more power, yes... a bit more would have changed things.. -------------- The next day arrived and Lucius found himself at the ball. How he had forgotten about such an occasion was beyond him and sincerely wished that he had not actually showed up. If he had not been given the title of Knight of Angels, he was sure he would never have been invited in the first place but this was how it was now. After yesterday's incident, Lucius finally got himself to move and went back to the place he could call home, the barracks. He arrived in the middle of night, so no one was really up. He was still completely drenched when he reached his bed and there, laying upon the pillow was the invitation. He read it over and over again but eventually changed into dry clothes and tried to sleep. Now he was there, back in Linore. Wearing clothes that were too expensive for his [url=]taste[/url]. He drank his wine with an extremely hateful expression. All of the couples dancing around disgusted him and this entire notion of a peaceful evening alluded him. There could never be peace between the dark and light, it was inconceivable. These faces that he saw around the room, they would be at each others throats the very next time upon the battle field. Perhaps the biggest blow was seeing those that he had fought not two days prior. Lucius wanted to hurt them and make them feel the same pain that he felt now but his hands were fixed, he would not do anything, not yet at least. When Octavia entered the room his glare only intensified and when he saw the kings embrace, he was disgusted. The Knight of Angels took another sip of his wine, remaining in the corner of the room, hopefully out of sight and mind.