[i]"I... like... yo-"[/i] Those were the last words Rachel heard from Sinna before the mage blacked out. The girl had panicked, ill-equipped to help her here in her underground hideout and unsure what was wrong with Sinna in the first place. It was Rachel who had brought her back to the base, hooked her up to the IV in the infirmary and kept the system monitoring her before locking the room out. Only the Titans would be able to enter and leave the room, and no one else. She did not want anybody sneaking in and finishing the job of killing Sinna, after all. "I like you too, so don't you dare die on me!" Rachel whispered in the unconscious girl's ear before planting a soft kiss on her head and leaving the room. Over the next two months she would sneak in when nobody was around and visit Sinna, leaving behind newspapers and checking on her condition. Two months, and Rachel had spent most of it underground. It wasn't by choice, Phantom had leaked the footage of her battle with her own parents to the media, and now she was public enemy number one - it was the most solid piece of evidence that condemned the Titans as killers and for their sake, she had distanced herself from the team. It was also why she was now standing at her parents' graves, silently cursing her fate. She had loved them and despite their involvement with Phantom's plans, she couldn't find it in her heart to disown them or hate them. There was no other way the events at the hospital could have played out. She only wished she could come here as Rachel, in civilian clothes, and not in costume or hidden from sight. She had been working hard to chip away at the villain's operations, but so far she had little success. Whatever cells she did shut down were dangled in front of her by the man. It seemed he was downsizing his operation and letting the heroes do the job for him - there was nothing of value at any of the locations she attacked except the men she had captured and arrested. She sighed and left the cemetery with a heavy heart, all the while being very careful not to be detected. That was when she received a message on her communicator. Sinna had woken up. She had set up the infirmary's sensors to inform her when that happened, and hoped the girl had not yet wandered off somewhere. Rachel raced to the tunnel systems she used for getting around the city, and revved up her car, speeding to the nearest exit that led to the mansion. It took all but fifteen minutes, since she didn't have contend with traffic or speed limits underground, and the vigilante was bursting through the door and calling out as if her life depended on it. "Sinna?"