An orange and white Su-Matoran scrounged through a pile of junk, seeking a random assortment of items that more then likely would simply be melted down and re purposed. A few rare items might be kept in an brief attempt to see what he could do with it. Most were preparing for the festivities that would be starting soon. He wasn't as interested about them though he agreed to go reluctantly for a friend. Until then he would continue his usually daily tasks, keeping an optimistic attitude of finding something unique or rare though chances were highly against him. He eventually decided the pile was hopeless for him and left it gathering what he had found and packing it up before making his way back to the living areas for the Su-Matoran of Su-Congro. Most of the buildings seemingly were haphazardly put together, made of the junk that was dumped there but they were all sturdy and strong. It was quieter then the usual hustle and bustle of Su-Matoran. He made his way to where parts would be melted, perhaps getting a few widgets out of the items he had scrounged up.