After Kai had left Sawaru to her own devices, she went ahead to do his bidding of collecting the rest of their little group of soon to be runaways. After setting off to her quest, however, she realized that she had no clue where to find them. Kai had chosen the easy task of locating Msakazu, who had declared early on in their planning that he was likely to be found at the library if they ever were in need of his assistance. The others had not, to Sawaru's knowledge, given any such information. Luckily, Sawaru knew that Tatsuya was more than likely working. He almost always were. As she set out towards the forge in search of her new friend, she went through her mental check list of stuff she would need to bring with her. She would need some clothes, obviously, and as many spare weapons as she would carry. She wondered if she would need to bring her futon; it was easy to roll the thing up and carry, after all. Maybe she would just buy some scrolls and have Masakazu help her seal her stuff in there, if that was even possible. She would definitely need to bring some of her herbs with her, since she had no clue how to get the ones she had brought with her from when she left her family. She would need to bring some of her flowers, too. When she reached her destination, the forgery, she was rather surprised as well as disappointed to find that Tatsuya was not there. She asked around a bit, eventually finding that he had left just a little while ago. Sawaru thanked them for their assistance and put her mind to work. She had no clue where Tatsuya even lived, so she could not very well go to his house to check. Her only option was to search the village for him. She wandered around for a bit, asking people at random if they knew him and where he might have gone. No one really had an answer for her, but a few people told her that if he was not at the forge, he was likely training. Even a small village like Gobigakure had several training areas for ninja to use for their training and sparring matches and Sawaru knew of at least five different places that he could have gone. The third place she reached was the charm. It really was the most obvious place for the young swordsman to go, with his sword-fighting fascination and the need for actual targets to hit. As she watched him dash and slash at the helpless dummies with his training sword, she made a mental note of the fact that she had never seen him look quite as content as he did right in this moment. Putting on her best and widest smile, Sawaru raised both arms into the air, flailing them around her head to gain the red-head's attention as well as to function as a very enthusiastic greeting, “Hey! Tatsuya-san!” she called out.