[quote=@Hael] If you want it to be bigger, you can have a few colonies here and there that aren't fully populated. I think it makes sense that most planets wouldn't be fully populated, because it takes a lot of time for that many people to be born :lol If you want your nation to be bigger or something, just say you have like 5 "buffer" colonies on the outskirts of your territory, which aren't fully populated with 18 billion each but provide a layer of defense. [/quote] The problem is the X'Cor haven't expanded in a while and have just sat there. :lol Their planets had their populations come up and the planets they conquered have become populated with X'Cor along with the slaves ^^ [hider=WIP FORM IS WIP] Nation Name: The X'Cor Empire Population and Demographics: The X'Cor own more than twenty-seven star systems under their control with over double that in planets that they have taken control of, either by colonization or by hostile acts. No other advanced species in their empire, only primitives who have suffered at their wrath. However, the primitives in their nation are kept under a strict control. No species from an outsider civilization is allowed to be a part of the X'Cor population, unless they are slaves. There are over 123.12 billion documented X'Cor within the empire, the population is greatly increasing with the more planets that they conquer. However, they are required to keep document of how many slaves make up their total population, though they only do this in percentages. [u]Total Population- 162 billion[/u] X'Cor - 76% Miscellaneous Slave population - 24% Species: The X'Cor are not bipedal humanoids. They are quadruped beings with six separate limbs, four of which are for walking while the other two are hands. The X'Cor have two front facing eyes to signify their predatory ways, also if the rows of sharp teeth didn't give that away. The mouths of these beasts open vertically to reveal, as previously stated, rows upon rows of sharpened teeth. The outer bodies of these creatures is a hard exoskeleton, the face, neck, and stomach being the only unprotected portions of their bodies. The average height for a X'Cor is about 183 cm, just about six feet in height. Now, it is time to study the insides of these horrific beasts. The X'Cor have purple colored blood, over nine liters worth, though they only require one-fourth that amount to carry oxygen to the cells effectively. The X'Cor have a lack of lungs meaning that they absorb oxygen straight out of the air like an insect does. However, they have a standard digestive system except it can digest nearly everything that is organic, including bone. The X'Cor have five seperate adrenal glands that activate when pain, thus allowing them to tank through pain and not feel anything. If anything, shooting them only pisses them off. The X'Cor are not an extraordinarily strong species, however they are a fast one that can clock up to 40 kilometers an hour. They can keep at this pace for quite a while, two whole hours in fact. They have a high metabolism, giving them a thinner appearance than most species and they only weigh around 135 lbs. due to the suction cups on their front feet, they can climb up many different surfaces so long as they are not completely smooth. The X'Cor are born from soft eggs comparative to the size of ostrich eggs, typically payed in a cluster of two to five. From there they lead a developmental period, called a "childhood", of around 12 years before they reach maturity. These beasts lead lives up to sixty years with rare cases of ones that have lived up to one-hundred years. System of Government: The X'Cor Empire is lead by a singular ruler who holds absolute power over all matters, a despotism of you will. The process for the Emporer or Empress to come to power is quite simple in the eyes of the X'Cor. Open up the military records, find the person with the highest amount of kills, that person is now your soveriegn ruler. This rule will rule so long as they live and may change laws accordingly, the military does hold power to destroy the Emporer if he goes mad with power. For individual planets, a governor is to be elected and that governor enforces the Emporer's laws and gathers taxes, and materials, for the government. The governor may only be X'Cor as they are the superior race, slaves shall be treated as such. The governors may not change laws of the government, however, they may add new local laws so long as they do not take away rights from the X'Cor citizens or slaves. Slaves may be treated as slaves, but they are still sentient beings and may retain essential rights as people. They may not serve in the military as they have proven to be weak for the military. Slaves may not serve as governors for their government has collapse to the X'Cor and thus hold a weak government. Slaves may be trades from master to master, this is a typical thing within the X'Cor society. Yearly, the governors will meet with the Emporer and give them half of the taxes and materials that have been collected. A governor will be executed should he not give anything to the Emporer. The governmental body shall then discuss any issues that are being faces nation wide. They shall come up with solutions and then enact those solutions to see if it worked. History: Spend at least 4 paragraphs telling us the general history of your nation. Important wars, how it came to be what it is today, and so on. Culture: The X'Cor live within a high warrior culture where the warriors are always treated as heroes no matter what is to happen in a war. These warriors are plentiful in number and they always are given the proper treatment, treated like royalty. Thus, the Warriors must keep up appearances and so they must always where their armor. Each warrior is, however, treated differently as those with more kills in combat have more renown to their names. To retreat is to lose all honour, to surrender is to become a slave to the enemy. Honour must be maintained. Honour is a very important part of their culture and it comes within verging levels. The Emporer has the most honour, followed by the generals, then the Warriors, the average citizens, and finally the slaves. The only way to get out of the ranking is by becoming a warrior and showing your might as a person of the military. It may spell certain death for those who do not belong. Plus, slaves are not permitted from leaving their honour rank. Averge life at home, the man holds the pants in the relationship and same sex marriage is typically frowned upon, but legal. Typical men will be seen with having two wives and no more, otherwise things would get complicated within the society. Children are to be had within moderation as parents may only have as many children as they can afford. If more children are to be had then those children are to be sent to military academies and learn. Education in the society is seen as the most important part of their society. All children must have it and it is organized into elementary school, middle school, high school, and university. No matter what, children must go to this or they will be a burden on society and become slaves. Thus, they will have no future or honour for others to truly care about them otherwise. The X'Cor worship no religion, they believe in no gods, they do believe that they are superior to all other races. All other races are inferior and are to be treated as slaves once they have been conquered. However, if they show their might in battle then they are to be treated as Warriors and dealt with as such. They will not be honoured as they are of another species, however, they are still Warriors. The general arts are not a common thing for a X'Cor to associate themselves in, yet it is not too uncommon that nothing attributes to creativity. However, much of their culture is simply derived from war and thus has inspired much of how the arts go. There are few paintings that depict peace, few stories where slaughter isn't a there, few songs that are not war song. Everything revolves around war. Important people, places, and organizations: Sserik - The current Empress of the X'Cor empire. Has led a brutal war in Slave Rebellion. Oin - Captain of the [i]Raged Empress[/i]. Explorer Delzar Designs - Head of Shipbuilding and international security of the nation. Military size: For the typical species, a military cannot be larger than 7% of the total population. But if you have some special reason that it should be higher, I'll most likely allow it. Military details: The military, while slightly lacking in the naval department, is a powerhouse in infantry and vehicular warfare on the ground level. This means that they fight well on the ground, but are not the best back wise. Their Warriors are put under intense regular training, then it is coupled with even more training should the soldier's position require it. They rely heavily on ranged combat, they rely even more on gaining the surprise on their enemies as they use their speed to their advantage in more situations. As far as organization goes within the military, the soldiers are seperated into several different platoons, containing 30,000 - 50,000, with each having a specialization that it fills. Inside those platoons are regiments that contain 10,000 men. Then, those regiments are formed from legions containing 5,000 men. Finally the legion are comprised of squads containing 10 men, meaning that there are 500 squads within a regiment. Leadership of the military ultimately goes to the Emporer when strategic plots are required. His orders are sent to the Generals, which go to their legions, etc. the command-structure is fairly easy to follow as the leaders all know where their orders come from, the Emporer. Though, the generals are encouraged to make executive decisions on their own. Weapons tech: The X'Cor largely used magnetic weaponry in their military, infantry and naval wise, often times it ends up to be railguns for the ships. Meanwhile infantry use coilguns in their fights, having mastered this technology to make coil pistols. Standard infantry are equipped with Eco-suits that amplify their strength in combat and increase their durability. This Eco-suits allow soldiers to live in the vacuum of space for a maximum of one hour. These suits also come with a HUD and comlinks for the soldiers. The Navy uses boarding ships and drop ships extensively, so they combined the two. Now it is referred to as the 'Terror Worm' it is equipped with thrusters and can carry up to two squads of men. The Worm has Ben noted to tear ships apart on its own by making burrows in the ships, weakening it on the inside. Missiles are still extensively used by the military in all-out war operation. Though, they use EMP missiles the most to disable ships. Lasers are rarely used, however, they serve as good point defense weapons on their ships. Another uses is for long range weaponry, such as snipers and main cannons. Infantry also comes equipped with swords, not your regular swords of course. These swords require a battery to operate because the sword vibrates, not particularly noticeable, but when it cuts through an enemy, those wounds become large. This sword makes mincemeat out of those on the recieving end. General Technology: The people of the X'Cor society have access to much technology, so long of course as it is not military grade tech. Many planets use natural energy to power the planets, efficient hydropower plants seem to dot the surfaces of the planets they hold. Then there are the solar collectors in orbit, they gain energy from the stars and is stored for collection. Massive geothermal constructs are build under ground, all the way to the mantle of each planet, and collect energy from the heat of the planet. Many of the citizens can drive flying cars if they so wish, though it is not recommended. Every business Hassan artificial intelligence to help them keep track of what they have, though that is all they do, keep track of things. Each citizen that works in mining uses laser miners to help speed the process along. There are universal translators for the people that live on slave planets or go into space so that everyone can be understood properly. Warp drives are their general way of getting from planet to planet, system to system. Ships tend to be powered by nuclear power while the smaller ones simply use ion engines to get around. The people have holo-computers that can come onto display from their wrist if they so wish, this holo-computer comes with a translator, however they are very expensive, yet most military personnel receive it. Economy: The economy of the X'Cor is poor, leaving the people to trust to the government to solve this problem. They gain their wealth from raids against others to help alleviate this problem, however, they can sustain themselves for a period of time without collapsing. Spaceships: Terror Worm - A drop ship and boarding ship that is around 20 meters in length and 3 meters in width. It is crewed by two people and carries 20 passengers. The Worm is made of pure titanium, come equipped with a rotating head and outer shell that allows it burrow through most ships and earth. Sinjen Exploration Vessel - The Sinjen space vessel is a small, thin one with minimal weaponry. It is 200 meters in length while only being 60 meters in width. In total it crews up to 205 people, coming with a shared barracks and 12 different decks. It comes equipped with an advanced nuclear reactor to power all systems, located in the exact center of the vessel. The Sinjen can carry up to 50 tons of cargo. Weaponry includes; 12 EMP missile silos, 2 Railguns, 6 Laser Cannons, and one Terror Worm. Azjur-class Cruiser - The Azjur-class Cruiser is a big triangle going through space, a literal triangle. It has a total length of 300 meters and has a max width of 150 meters. It crews a total of 400 people, coming with 30 different operations decks. It hold two fighter bays along the bottom of the ship, holding over sixty Hercules-class fighters. The ship holds two twin advanced nuclear reactors. Weapons include; 5 railguns, 30 laser cannons, 20 EMP missile silos, and 4 Terror Worms. Capital-class command ship - The Capital-class is a large ship that is defensively oriented, having a hull of 50 straight feet of titanium. It has a maximum length of 1,000 meters. It holds a crew of 1,000 people, can carry 600 passagers as well. It has 6 different fighter bays, carrying 180 Hercules class fighters. It is powered by one hyper-advanced nuclear reactor. Weapons include; one massive railgun situated one the front of the ship, over 100 laser cannons, and 30 terror worms. [/hider]