[quote=@KabenSaal] You love your work more than me. [img]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/s/common/uploaded_files/1453262358-7ee823222f52b5ba7f7adaa1b886db8b.gif[/img] [/quote] Also if anyone wants to be my character's fiancee, that'd be great. [hider=Lieutenant 13] Name: Airi Mao Age: Early 20s Gender: Female Height: 5'4" Weight: 107 lbs Hair Color: White Eye Color: Pink Birthday: March 15 Race: Soul Clan: Mao Rank: Lieutenant Spiritual Energy Color: Phthalocyanine Green G Appearance: Airi is a very slender girl with tanned skin and long white hair. Her hair normally reaches down past her knees, however, while she is working, leading a unit, or in some other situation which requires professionalism, her hair is tied into several buns behind her head to keep them in check, each held together by a very basic-looking, wooden hair stick. Her breasts are small, almost flat. Her figure in general is covered in its entirety save for; her feet, head, and her very dainty hands; by her uniform. Personality: Generally speaking, Airi carries herself as a leader because she is. She is unafraid of giving commands and doing what it takes to get a certain task completed. She firmly believes in humility, respecting authority as it comes down to her. She is also very generous in giving to charity, especially in the Soul Society every now and again. Her opinions on charity are very Victorian, however, and she feels there is such a thing as a "deserving poor". History: Airi was born in Nagasaki around the time of the establishment of the Edo Shogunate. Her parents were Christians, her father a merchant who dealt extensively with foreign sailors, and thus spoke numerous languages, though mostly Dutch and Portuguese. Airi's mother was a Portuguese woman whom her father converted to Christianity in order to marry. Airi along with her siblings were raised as Christians, often attending church in Nagasaki. With a fairly wealthy family, Airi hadn't had to do much as a child. She had some disciplinary issues, though a strict hand on her father's part was enough to set her straight and instill within her a fear of God. Some time in her childhood, Airi nearly drowned in the pier before her father picked her up. She had grown an innate fear of water since then. Around the time Airi became a teenager, she was working with her father. He had taught her to do a majority of the paperwork and accounting for his business and was paid a fairly generous sum of money, with which she was able to buy whatever she pleased. However, it was also around the time the Japanese government started to push anti-Christian laws, cracking down on Christian churches. Airi managed to stay fairly well hidden, practicing her faith in secret. Airi did not die in the persecution. It was years later when an earthquake hit off the coast of Kyushu. She was with her father who, at the time, was moving crates from one ship onto the pier while she stood and counted them. She was among the first to see the tsunami coming in and begin running. Because of her hydrophobia, Airi never learned to swim, drowning as the wave hit the city. The events following her death leading up to her arrival in the Soul Society were a blur. When arriving, Airi felt that she had been punished and that the Soul Society was a limbo in which she had to stay in to repent her sins before passing on. There, she grew cold and hungry, very few people taking her in mostly either for her being a pretty girl, or through sheer pity. Her tribulations daunting, Airi never forgot her faith in God. Her old last name was discarded, Airi normally only giving her first name, or perhaps Airi was her last name. Airi saw the gates of the Seireitei as the Gates of Heaven. When she discovered a way in, Airi took the opportunity almost immediately. By then, she had spent 200 years in Soul Society. She studied well, but without any particular talent, barely skated by on the entry exams. It was through hard work and determination that she got done with her training. Registering as a Shinigami, Airi took on the name of a clan which was kind enough to take her in as their own. With her quality of life improved having joined the Soul Society, Airi believed she had truly passed on. Fighting hollows was not exactly her idea of paradise, but she believed it a way to get stronger. Though her very title contained "god" in it, she believed she would find the true Christian God after achieving enough, believing that mentions of the "Soul King" actually referred to Jesus Christ. In spite of her religious zealotry, Airi never told anyone about her faith. In fact, she assumed everyone in the Seireitei was more or less just as Christian as she was. The topic of religion was never explored, and thus Airi went on her entire 200 years as a Soul Reaper without ever having to divulge her religious beliefs. Even upon becoming a Lieutenant, nobody knew save for some in the 12th division who had occasionally teased or pranked her because of it. Taken in by the Mao family was not an act of kindness. Rather, the family wanted her to marry into them. In spite her common upbringing, the head son of the family saw her pretty enough to propose to. Airi never asked for this arrangement, however, her fiancee and his family seemed insistent on it. She remains reluctant to take further action and feels more compelled to continue her training and search for God. Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings: ??? Mao - Fiancee (Looking for someone to fulfill this role) To be filled out over the course of the RP. Other: Airi wears a silver cross necklace around her neck. ~Zanpakuto~ Zanpakuto name: Momoku Type: Light, Weapon, Healing Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Guide Spirit Appearance: ??? Inner world: ??? Sealed appearance: In its sealed state, Momoku is an arm-length katana with the signature fat, curved, single-edged blade. Along the flat of the blade, there is an almond-shaped pattern weld consistent on either side, with the almond shapes being the biggest at the center. The edge is, of course, sharp featuring an eccentric groove pattern of interlocking fringes. On the right side of the blade, relative to Airi while the edge is away from her, are stamped two four-pointed stars. The cross guard is a fat, oval, coin shape which curves just slightly upward. It is engraved with a depiction of clouds, rain drop shapes speckled along the body of the cross guard. The body of the hilt is black material wrapped in white cloth-like material, openings left in the cloth purposely so that the hilt is easier to grip in two hands. The sheathe is flat white with a cherry-tree branch painted running diagonally length-wise near the center, a single cherry-blossom petal above it on the left side relative to the cutting edge. Shikai appearance: When released, Momoku's blade turns into a series of interconnected rings, each about as large as Airi is tall, though with the blades thick as they were originally. Both the inside and outside of the ring feature a cutting edge. The almond pattern along the flat of the blade is extended throughout the rings, still consistently larger in the middle with circular patterns at the center of those, making them appear like a series of eyes. The handle becomes its own ring, just big enough to comfortably accommodate one of Airi's hands. The handle is connected to the ring blades with a thin bar and another, smaller ring just big enough that the other rings can freely move. Normally, there are five rings. Bankai appearance: Shikai special ability: The most unique ability Momoku possesses are its photosynthetic properties. The blades are capable of taking in light and converting said light into reishi, whether the light was natural or artificially produced (by a lamp, another shimigami's shikai, or what have you). Immediately, it is not a significant deal, however, excess energy is used to passively heal Airi's wounds the longer she uses her Shikai in battle. On its own, minor wounds (small cuts, bruises, 1st and 2nd degree burns, very minor crepitous) can be quickly healed though with larger wounds (partial to full amputations) the process is only marginally quicker than the rate at which the body can naturally heal itself. Momoku can make up to twenty one rings, the number increasing as Airi's power increases. It takes one turn to create a new ring. When entering shikai, there are five of these rings. Momoku passively regenerates rings every other turn until there are seven. After the seven, Airi can take a conscious effort to create a new ring with a one turn cool down before creating the next. Shikai skills: 1. Lash - The rings spin at high speeds. Airi swings Momoku like a whip as the entire length of her shikai follows through, cutting everything in its warpath. As it it swing, the rings extend to its fullest length. The most basic of Momoku's abilities, this move takes one turn to cool down for every six rings in the chain with a minimum of one turn (post) per swing. 2. Spread - The rings of Momoku's blade separate from one another to track Airi's enemies. Against fewer enemies, the rings are capable of separating from one another and flanking the smaller force. Every ring that hits an opponent shatters into a burst of reiatsu-infused light dealing additional damage. The other rings do not "cook" after being hit by this reishi, though still burst when countered by an enemy attack. 3. Blind - A single ring separates from the chain and flies into the air. One side flashes a damaging beam of light discriminate against other beings with reishi. This technique can be used both passively and aggressively. It can be used as a simple flash to blind the enemy for a single turn, or used to create a solid light column. A ring is consumed when Blind is used as an attack, if used to create a column and the column is attacked directly, or if the column is sustained for longer than five turns. Blind can only be used once per turn and cannot be used offensively the same turn another skill is used. 4. Deliver - Using the reiatsu stored in one of Momoku's rings, Airi can very immediately heal either herself or a team mate. A single ring stores enough power to heal 1 (one) partial amputation or 10% of a body that's been burned to the third degree. This ability has a two turn cool down. 5. ??? 6. ??? Bankai skills: (Captains and up can only have Bankai. Note: Some Lieutenants will be able to attain a Bankai) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (Ultimate Skill) Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: ??? Skills & Masteries Zanjutsu - Expert Kido - Master Hakuda - Proficient Hoho - Expert [/hider]