[hr] [center][h1] Magical Notes [/h1][/center] [hr] [center] [h2][i][color=9932cc]Imperial Capital of Arpeggio[/color][/i][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/OeWQbz9.png?1[/img] [h3][color=9932cc]Central Marketplace[/color][/h3] [url=https://youtu.be/iWVTj7JZOxA]BGM[/url] [/center] “You, my young man, don’t know anything about respected.” The minstrel said while straightening his coat, after being so roughly treated by Shakrais. Now that he was back to his feet it was possible to notice that the bard’s face was covered with a scarf around his neck leaving only his eyes visible, though the shadow of the hat made it hard to even distinguish them. “That is a sacred song, you just defiled. When the time comes, you’ll know the foolishness of your actions to day.” After saying so, the minstrel turned on his back and walked away, playing his lute calmly, while reciting an old song used up to today to scare children into obedience: [center][i] “Children who don’t know their place who don’t listen to their elders and quiet when told this lesson is for them to learn, lest the snake comes to eat them.” [/i][/center] [center][b]* * *[/b][/center] [center] [h3][i][color=00aeef]Sienna Aquarian[/color][/i][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dgvnc9G.png[/img] [/center] [color=00aeef]“Huh? I- I- I can’t believe it’s you again, Charming. What do you think you are doing in the middle of the street?”[/color] Sienna panicked in Cass’ grip, the thief’s face getting redder than the apple she was eating but a moment ago. Meanwhile, Rinco’s eyes widened, and her little mouth took and O shape from surprise, [color=00aeef]“Is she your friend, Sienna? Oh, and why is she kissing you like this isn’t it a thing human boys do to the girls they love?”[/color] A little vein seemed to pop on Sienna’s brow at the comment, though she couldn’t fault Rin for that after all, the innocent snow fairy didn’t knew anything about the depravity men were capable of. [color=00aeef]“Hmm… let’s just say that this one has a bit more hidden than I do, Rin.”[/color] Sienna said, between clenched teeth, while staring Cass down. If this brat thought that getting the Icy Thief would be so easy, he was very much wrong, as the hand that deftly slid to the back of her cape, seeking one of her daggers would prove. Buut before Sienna could even make it, the commotion of the other side of the market finally seemed to have hit this one as a large crowd crying of a Dissonance and an enemy siege began to flood the plaza. When one of them bumped on Cass, forcing his grip on Sienna to lessen in force, the thief made a run for it, shouting [color=00aeef]“Sorry Charming, you won’t be getting this fox’s tail today. Better luck next time~”[/color] [center] [h3][i][color=f26522]Claudia Blair[/color][/i][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/bmBXQ5i.png[/img] [/center] [color=f26522]“Oh ho! That was a good one. Are you some kind of street fool? Take this here, you deserved it.”[/color] Claudia said, with a warm smile on her face, as she patted Shakrais shoulder with a bit more force than she probably needed to while producing a couple of silver coins and placing them on his hand. Who could blame her after all for that? Shakrais was sure putting up an act worthy of a street performer and Claudia has never been the most observant one. Right around this time the sound of hurried steps from a wooden sole hitting the cobblestones of the market’s streets, could be heard approaching from behind Shakrais. [color=f26522]“Claudia~ Claudia~ why did you left me behind, I was searching for you everywhe- reeeee!?”[/color] In her haste to get back to her absentminded master, Ravel stumbled on her rather elaborate priestess clothes and rolled on the ground, hitting the small of Shakrais back with her head. [color=f26522]“Ouch… I- I’m sorry, if there’s anything I can do.”[/color] The phoenix said while casting a glare and puffing her cheeks at Claudia who was laughing heartily even now. [color=f26522]“I’m sorry for that, Ravie is a bit clumsy sometimes, but she’s a good girl. Here, let me help you up.”[/color] Claudia said as she extended her hand to help Shakrais get back up. Meanwhile Ravel dusted herself before getting behind Claudia, still pouting, [color=f26522]“Geez, Claudia, I’m not clumsy, just… unlucky, you know! Hmph!”[/color] The phoenix scoffed turning away from master in a mock tantrum which h only ever elicited more laughs from Claudia as she used her free hand to pet Ravel, after all that was the sole cause of this issue as she knew all too well. [center] [h3][i][color=ed1c24]???[/color][/i][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/8hhEJ41.png[/img] [/center] Back at the, rather anticlimactic, fight against the Dissonance… The Behemoth, despite being a hulking mass of unbridled brutality had no hopes of outliving the brutal assault of the combined might of all the Song Knights. Perhaps if there were one or two less it could have done some actual damage to the city, but it was beyond the point, the lumbering figure just lurching and falling to the ground before it’s body began to decompose into the dark aether. However, as a testament that not all was good and clean into this world, a few people apparently had either died or gotten grievously injured after being stomped by the fleeing mob. It was then that… [color=ed1c24]“Ara~ people”[/color], a sinister voice, not very different from the one Mary heard in her mind said amidst the crowd that remained, [color=ed1c24]“look at all this chaos and destruction. Isn’t the Song Knights’ duty to protect us from this?”[/color] At this mention, the people began stop and listen to these words that seemed to come from the mouth of a small girl dressed in a frilly dress in the middle of them, indignation slowly building in their eyes as they gazed on goods and lives lost. [color=ed1c24]“Yet, wasn’t the small one who began it all? I’m sure I saw her on that stone, did it became the dissonance? What about that other, is that a skeleton? Do we need necromancers to defend us now? What if… they turn the ones who oppose them into monsters like that one~?”[/color] As the flames of indignation and protest were slowly fanned by the Goth loli girl the crowd’s fear slowly turned into rage and they began to curse and question the knights. However, the calm melodies played by Rander were having their effect on the crowd and, despite their bad disposition violence was unlikely to break any soon, at least until the guard arrived. To see what was happening, unless… [color=ed1c24]“Oh~ is one of them using their magic on us, ohh… I feel weak, maybe thinks that they’re gods that can judge us? What’s thi-!?"[/color] A dry thud was heard as the girl fell unconscious because of Rander’s magic, or so it looked, the strength of the hate coming from the people alone being enough to override his performance as the crowd began to arm themselves with whatever they could get at hand’s reach. If the Song Knight’s didn’t had some quick thinking, they would soon have a riot on their hands. Needless to say this was the worst possible outcome, but… what will they do?