[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/9oLWPnp.png[/img] [color=0072bc][h3][i]Eye of the Storm[/i][/h3][/color] [b][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3577383]Kalas Alseif[/url][/b] || [b]General Interest:[/b] [i]Moving toward GFS HQ[/i] || [b]+ 00:04:39:23[/b] [i](Initial Attack)[/i] [color=0072bc][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] [@Volenvradica] [sup][b][color=0072bc]Status:[/color][/b] "Even the smallest of things can cast the largest shadows. Never forget the finer details."[/sup] [hr][hr] [/center] [i]BOOM![/i] The explosion rocked the entire building that Kalas had been traversing on top of, decimating the load-bearing walls on the front side which had caused it to begin collapsing beneath him. He kept his breathing steady but quickened his pace, each step swiftly navigating him past several holes that were beginning to open up. The Demon Prince soon came to the edge of the roof and he prepared himself to leap toward the next rooftop. Lunging forward at the edge of the rapidly falling building, Kalas launched himself into the air. It was too late for him to realize the missile that had been fired in anticipation for his jump. The projectile slammed into the wall of the opposite building that he had expected to land on and exploded, instantly showering him with debris as the force of the explosion blew him back, leaving him a prisoner to the effects of gravity. Falling three-storeys, however, was child's play for a Demon as Kalas expertly re-positioned his body to land deftly on the rubble ridden street. He did so with a perfected grace, simultaneously drawing his sabers and turning to face the M Variant who had been pursuing him for the past five minutes. [color=0072bc][b]"You're rusty Azh, real rusty..."[/b][/color] He said to himself. The KBot had stopped, no doubt its' targeting algorithms were trying to calculate his next possible movement so that it wouldn't be caught off guard. So far Kalas had been easily able to avoid its' clumsy shots but this latest attack had meant that it was learning. Kalas watched as the large robot settled into a lower stance. It was preparing to fire, trying to force him into a maneuver he wasn't prepared for, thus being able to catch him with a secondary shot fired immediately after the first. Whatever his movement, he would need to stay grounded. Jumping would prove too predictable and he wouldn't be able to alter his trajectory in mid-air. A missile was then suddenly expelled from the KBot's chest plate with an audible [i]CHOOMPH![/i] and was speeding straight towards him. Acting on instinct, as he usually did, Kalas immediately dodged to the right, rolling away from the resulting explosion that churned up the section of the street where he was stood only moments before. He rolled again, gaining more distance from the explosion, and could easily define the sound of a secondary missile being let loose. He'd predicted it correctly and as he came out of his roll, Kalas simply dodge-rolled forward before coming up and launching into an all-out sprint, the second projectile sailing by over-head. The M Variant hadn't expected this and became obviously panicked, firing off a third missile that was so off target Kalas could only smile at the feeling of power that surged over him. He was in control now. Within a matter of seconds, he was directly in front of the machine. Kalas lunged to the right slightly, performing a faint before dashing to the left and carving his blades through the air towards the KBot's right leg. A small leap put his sabers level with the knee-joint as they began slicing through the metal with ease. A metallic [i]SCREECH![/i] rang out as his blades cut through the outer-plating and began severing numerous cables and complex servo rods. Hydraulic fluid started gushing from the rapidly opening gash and the machine itself seemed to let out a wounded scream. Kalas landed but was instantly on the move again, spinning swiftly to face his enemy once more, his blades fast becoming a blur of flashes as he rained a barrage of attacks upon the damaged joint. It wasn't long before the metal limb gave way and sent the KBot careening to the ground. It fired off two missiles as it fell but they simply flew into the sky before exploding harmlessly. The I.D.R.I.S. Commander then simply and effortlessly jumped upon the downed robot and stared into its' central eye. His face hardened as he did so but it would be impossible for the machine's facial recognition systems to make out exactly who he was, due to the pitch black shadow that covered the top half of his face seemingly cast by his hood, a useful bit of cloaking magic courtesy of I.D.R.I.S. Holding Ahael, his left blade, outstretched and pointing straight at the eye of the machine, Kalas said only one thing, [b][color=0072bc]"Begone from this City."[/color][/b] Then mercilessly impaled Osebon, his right blade, dead center into the eye. The screeching of servos and the grinding of gears, as they came to a halt, sounded similar to a monster's last death cry. Kalas watched in silence as the KBot finally died then yanked his blade from it, sheathing both of his sabers in one swift movement. The Commander then looked up to the rooftops, visualizing a path to reach them. Once he'd spotted it, he acted quickly, bounding and leaping upon various balconies and ledges in order to reach the building tops. He needed the height in order to properly survey the battle and the people fighting in it. So far he'd seen only a few people of note fighting to hold back the KBot advance from 1x1, but since he'd entered General Interest, Kalas had been more pre-occupied with maintaining stealth, however, it already seemed to him that a lot more of the public had decided to help the Guild Future Society out than he'd anticipated. He'd need another set of eyes. Kalas mentally sifted through the list of agents he could call for help, but his gut instinct told him not to call anyone out of hiding for a menial task such as this. Instead, he would look to another. A trusted contractor who he'd tracked down to hire himself. The Council had been suspicious of him at first but he'd since earnt their trust. [color=0072bc][i]'Volen would probably appreciate the call too...'[/i][/color] He thought, remembering their last meeting. He pulled out his Holo-Com, thumbing the switch to activate it as he'd done earlier to notify the council of his position. He looked up Volen's contact details then proceeded to compose a message: [i]>// I have a job for you. Meet me near the GFS Headquarters. Remember to take the usual precautions.[/i] Kalas then pocketed his Holo-Com and began rushing towards their designated meeting point for this sector, time would not wait for him to move idly.