[quote=@Hael] I DID NOT INTEND TO BE DOING THIS MUCH MATH. [/quote] ^Me, every day as an engineering student. Anyway, here's my incomplete sheet, but you should be able to get the concept. I plan on being composed primarily of the other species in the quadrant. I made up one species, though, just because I like the concept. [@Shorticus]: ...oh. Well, gee. I swear I wrote this before I saw your response, but our concepts are oddly synergistic. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nation Name: Coalition of Reasonable Peoples Motto: A Call for Civility Population and Demographics: 50 solar systems 16 inhabited planets 178 Billion people Species Breakdown: Various (more to come at some point)% Species: Nebuloids: Nebuloids are giant molecular clouds of interstellar gas and dust that live for billions of years at a time. They measure in lightyears across. Their motives, morality, and nature are generally unclear, save for the Nebuloid communique received by the Committee on Foreign Relations over the hypernet. The coalition built a requisite diplomatic station near one of the Nebuloids with a very large radio antenna, should they choose to communicate again. They haven't. [code]Request for membership in "Coalition". Home coordinates: [a string of coordinates pointing to a stellar nursery]. Desist from travel through these coordinates.[/code] Xenodiplomats hypothesize that the Nebuloids are attempting to complete their life cycle by collapsing into several stars, but warp drives have been interfering with this process in some inscrutable manner. The coalition has dedicated a portion of its military to maintain a blockade around the area, setting up detection nets and border patrols. Various (more to come at some point) System of Government: -The coalition's central government rules with a bureaucratic fist... over the capital planet, Ingress. Its influence over the rest of its territory is debatable. Each member planet, system, station, or migrant fleet has varying degrees of loyalty to the central government, and effectively comprise separate states with distinct forms of government. Nonetheless, grand, sweeping edicts percolate out of the central bureaucracy's millions of committees, and are mysteriously followed by the member states through what appears to be natural causes. Laws and edicts declared by the central government usually just happen to line up with what the various member states had adopted as law already. Of course, such a system is doomed to collosal waste, inefficiency, and failure. This is why the Committee on Committee Effectiveness exists. Its function is to analyze the mass amounts of information in the central government, decide which laws are actually important and reasonable, and then dispatch adjustment teams to ensure the members states' compliance. Of course, nobody in the C.C.E. has any real idea what its like in each of the member states, so it finally falls to the adjustment team chiefs to carry out their (often seemingly unreasonable) orders by any legal means at their disposal. The real power in the coalition, ultimately, lies with the chiefs. Chief of an adjustment team is possibly the most respected position someone can have. They walk a careful line, having gained just enough power to actually get things done but not so much that there's 18 regulatory committees carefully examining their actions. Furthermore, the amount absurd hoops that chiefs must jump through to reach their position eliminates all but the most competent, determined, and lucky beings from their ranks. Individual member states, meanwhile, stay a part of the coalition for two main reasons. First, they feel no real pressure to leave. Why should they? The Coalition is pretty reasonable in terms of governance, and they get guaranteed freedom of trade, movement, and military protection all from "claiming" to be a part of it. Secondly, many planets and stations want nothing whatsoever to do with military production, yet the quadrant is filled with empires with some form of aggressive agenda or another. The coalition guarantees a common defense. History: The coalition formed around some member species or another with the inclusion of refugees and disaffected citizens during some war or another. Culture: -The coalition comprises of disaffected peoples from all over the quadrant, united with the singular desire for to be left to their own, reasonable devices. The exact nature of that desire varies from the extremely isolationist Nebuloids to the charitable quadrant-wide aid organization White Star. Important people, places, and organizations: Ingress: The capital planet of the Coalition, or so it claims. Half of the economy is taken up by various types of bureaucratic work; the other half is devoted to support organizations and staff. While it can at times take eight forms and a map to the sector ZZ8 cafeteria to eat an apple, at other times the sheer quantity of information allows people to make surprisingly informed decisions. Everyone is a member of at least one committee. Committee on Committee Efficiency: the closest thing to people in actual power over the entire Coalition. vaguely resembles a cross between a shadow government and a group of beings bravely fighting bureaucratic inefficiency, trying to figure out what the heck is even going on on Ingress. White Star: A charitable aid organization, facilitating disaster-relief, medical and economic recovery, and spiritual obligations to any sentient being in throughout the quadrant, provided local governments allow them through. Adjustment Teams: Ranging from just the Chief to over thirty people, adjustment teams are the people that actually get things done, whip member planets back into line, and enforce edicts in reasonable ways. Their methods range from diplomatic chats over greasy hot dogs to establishing arms-dealing monopolies, depending on where they get sent within the Coalition and which edicts they were tasked with enforcing. They are responsible to the C.C.E. and their own Internal Affairs alone. Military size: Military details: The Astry Committee is the most efficient committee in the Coalition. In sharp contrast to the general pseudo-anarchic freedoms experienced throughout the rest of the Coalition, T.A.C. is organized in a strict, rank-based system with a supreme commander nominated from within but approved by the member states on a four-year basis. Each member state is not required to contribute toward the Astry barring active war, but any military organization fielded is ultimately controlled by T.A.C.. The end result is a heavy reliance on each successive level of Astry officer to translate the supreme commander's will into actionable orders for their command. A poorly done organizational diagram: Domestic Relations Committee -Astry Officer Corps --Local Militaries Supreme Commmander - reports to the Domestic Relations Committee, translates Coalition will into military action, ultimate leader of all armed forces of all militaries in the Coalition. -Sector Commander - Responsible for military actions within a particular sector of Coalition space. -Offensive Commander - (wartime only) Responsible for military actions within a sector of non-Coalition space --Group Commander - Responsible for a group of local militaries. Theoretically knows the strengths and weaknesses of their local militaries and how best to wield them synergistically. ---Local Advisor - Responsible for interfacing between a specific local military and the group commander. Well-acquainted with the local military's strengths and weaknesses, and given great leeway to ensure orders are carried out. Local advisor training requires extensive xenodiplomatic and xenocultural training so that they may best understand how to ensure orders are effectively carried out. No amount of theory, however, is worth the second phase of training, which consists of an almost-unregulated apprenticeship to the previous local advisor. Weapons tech: Go nuts! General Technology: Really go nuts! For at least 3 paragraphs! Economy: Thanks to its support of rampant capitalism, communism, or whatever economic model most interests its member states, the Coalition is a haven for black market activities, megacorporations, and unreasonably wealthy royal families. On the other hand, the central government and Adjustment Teams are quite effective at stopping unreasonable activities - such as rampant murder, unwilling slave trade, and taxation, depending on the local citizenry's views on all of the above. If you know where to go, you can buy pretty much anything you like. Just don't try to take it by force where that sort of thing isn't a standard negotiating tactic. Spaceships: Please describe, in as much detail as possible, the sort of space vessel you use and how they operate. Don't forget to include the general size of these vessels, how many people they can carry, and what sort of weapons they use. This should be at least 4 paragraphs long. =========================================================================== Name: Princess Helena Clarke Species: If you have not previously explained your species in the N.S., you should do so here in at least 4 paragraphs. Gender: Female Appearance: Descriptions are greatly preferred over pictures. History: At least 4 paragraphs on the background of your character, how they came to be in their current position, and so forth. Weapons: At least 2 paragraphs should be spent explaining, in detail, the sort of weaponry they carry Personality: A well-educated adventuress supported by an unquantifiable amount of money. Skills: Starship: I hope I'm not assuming too much when I figure your explorer will need a spaceship to get around. Describe it, or face the ban-hammer Strengths and Weaknesses: