[@Leslie Hall] [center][b][h2][color=ed1c24]S[/color][color=f7941d]a[/color][color=fff200]y[/color][color=39b54a]a[/color][color=0072bc]t[/color][color=662d91]a[/color][color=ed145b]c[/color][color=ed1c24]h[/color][color=f7941d]h[/color][color=fff200]i[/color] [color=ed1c24]N[/color][color=f7941d]i[/color][color=fff200]j[/color][color=39b54a]i[/color][color=0072bc]k[/color][color=662d91]o[/color][/h2][/b][/center] As she enters the arena doors, and walks up the path towards the Council Balcony, Sayatachi suddenly feels as if she was being watched. She expressed no emotion however, only for her eyes to go straight to the balcony hightop. There she found someone familiar. It was Rosalina, the anti-social one. While the two may be of the same rank, both characters are actually polar opposites. Saya is flamboyant, boastful, and all in all, a very active person, with a touch of demand and respect to go with it like a nice garnish. Rosa on the other hand... she's cold, dark, and a rather moody fellow. She doesn't catch much of an eye towards Saya, nor does she interest her really, however, it's only now that she finally reveals herself to the masses once again. It was about time too. But regardless, Rosa does have her manners. She stood up straight and offered a polite nod, with the older Council Lady nodding back. [b]"Ah, Rosalina Idwal,"[/b] she responds in a friendly tone while offering her hand towards Rosa, [b]"You've finally joined the party. A pleasure to finally see you here at the Games."[/b] "[color=crimson][i]A pleasure as always, Lady Nijiko.[/i][/color]" She took a few steps forward towards Sayatachi and offered the woman her hand in a polite, formal greeting. [b]"So how've you been, hun?"[/b] the flamboyant lady asks again after the quick greeting, [b]"I didn't happen to see you yesterday at the introduction. Was everything alright?"[/b]