[center][h2][color=8882be]Kirin[/color] Casual interest check[/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/88Gzx9h.png[/img][/center] Kirin could definitely feel the sword vibrate just a little. Her face cringed in disgust of thinking that the sword would get turned on by fighting or whatever the hell he was thinking. Kirin started making her way towards the bridge so she could destroy all these robots that were invading the casual interest area. Kirin had noticed the other person approaching too but didn't even bat an eye at her. The stupid sword was talking again? Kirin made another click sound with her tongue while giving the sword a big swing to make it stop talking. [center][color=8882be]"Do your goddamn job and be a sword instead of some mutant skeleton! I'll just chop the thing up like a vegetable. No nukes involved."[/color][/center] Some random dude suddenly stood in front of her. Kirin stammered back for a moment and wanted to slice the object appearing suddenly in front of her. Instead she could barely change the direction of the sword and only make it cut a small part of the hat on his head. Kirin dropped the sword onto her thigh. Letting it hang losely in the palm of her hand. She placed her other hand in her waist and titled her body ever so slightly to give the man the 'what do you want' look. He poked out his hand at her and introduced himself. Kirin only placed thr half of her hand on his so that she could pull back better and gave a curious glare at him. [Center]"Yo, I'm Kirin"[/center] The creep split itself in half maintaining the sword and a separate body so he could flank them. The sword became half the size making it a decent katana instead now instead of the giant thing. Kirin swung the sword once more to test it out and maintained her dominant look while continuing to walk. [center][color=8882be]"Good job rubbish, go bait those bastard so I can hit them from behind."[/color][/center] Kirin walked past the man and gave him a cold glare but said no more. She either suspected him to do nothing but stand there or hot her from behind. Two things to watch out for. Kirin walked up to the robots and slowly made her way through them. Occasionally a 50. Call shot was shot at her from the bigger robot. She barely got to dodge it or averted it with the blade of the sword.