Just when all hope was lost Something slammed right into Rena from the side...Rena then snapped out of her own life review and realise some hot was on top of her. At that pointed she wondered if she was still alive or did heaven just sent her straight to hell with any review from a saint sitting in front of heaven's gate. Then she noticed it was moving. Something wet and warm dropped onto her face. She then tried to get up in order to look around. That when she realize that the hot thing on top of her...was a now on fire Akihito Irimi. [color=MediumPurple]"Aki!"[/color] She screamed out before quickly move out from under. In a panic, she started looking around trying to figure out what to do. [u]>Put the fire out.[/u] >Take him out of the front lines first. She then calmed herself down as she took off her overcoat that calm with the uniform(If i remember correctly it is still spring). She then screamed to the rest of the group fighting the monster. [color=MediumPurple]"You guys, lead the monster away from here while I put out Aki."[/color] She told them before she started smacking her overcoat on into the flame on Aki back in an effort to crush and smother the flames. Once the flames were put out Rena then lifted Aki up and wrap his arm around the top of her neck she could carry him out of the front lines. Damn it how did he end up on fire, That attack was meant for her. She wondered as she carried him away from the danger she begin to reflect once more on what happen back there. Then the answer that was in the back of her mind soon found itself in her conscious mind. [color=MediumPurple]"Wait a minute Aki...did you save me back there?"[/color] She asked him looking nervous. Was it her fault he was burned? Did her Pride put this man in danger? Theses Questions haunted her more than any ghost could. Those burn look painfully. [color=MediumPurple]"Hey do any of you guys know how to treat burns?"[/color] she yelled out theses the group. Perhaps this was a good time for a "Dia" spell.