The instant she saw the figure, Alex reached for her sword, hand on her hilt as her blue eyes flared at the stranger that stood before her. She was surprised he seemed around her size, not many were. Urick was about one of the closest beside Ronso, which were just naturally huge and bigger then even her. Perhaps this stranger was a small Ronso? They didn't really have that.... furry scent. Growling, the tall muscled woman gritted her teeth and glared at him. This was just not her fucking day. Can't she have a little time to relax?! At all?! What was this some sphere drama play? Whoever this was seemed.... unnatural. She didn't particularly know why, just knew he was creepy as Anima. Cocking a eyebrow at his words, that felt like they meant something but honestly she didn't really understand other then he was just pointing out the obvious. [color=red]"Yeah? What's it to you asshole? Just sneak on here into my room to tell me that? Unsure which is creepier. Your actions or your eye."[/color] Alex barked before her eyes snapped to the door as Naisha entered and she visibly twitched in dismay. [color=red]"Nai what are you doing here?! You should be resting!"[/color] The tall woman shouted, though she supposed she wasn't one to talk. She was pretty hurt and sore, and that sleep potion did help make her drowsy. But at least she could take damage even if batted around. She feared Naisha wouldn't handle whatever this guy wanted. When the stranger turned toward Naisha and said those words of insult toward her best friend, rage instantly flared and Alex snarled as she unsheathed her weapon. [color=red]"You're the trash here, asshole! I'll ******* beat the ever living **** outta you for daring to insult her! You know nothing about her!"[/color] she roared and made to swing at him but halted when it seemed Naisha was in pain. Before she knew it, the stranger was retreating. Hissing, breathing heavy in her anger, concern over won and she quickly turned to Naisha. Grabbing her as gently as she could in her emotional state. Control. Control. Don't. Hurt. Naisha. Naisha was perhaps the only one she could be this gentle to, while pissed off. [color=red]"Nai?! Nai?! Are you alright?! What's wrong?! ****!!!"[/color] Alex growled, feeling the hairs on the back of her neck bristle as she hurriedly tried checking the frail girl for physical injuries. There was none. The giant woman cursed again angrily as she cupped Naisha's head between her large hands. Trying to ease any pain. Although she knew it was useless, she tried to use magic. Any healing magic she watched Yuna do so many times. [color=red]"*******.... work!"[/color] Alex growled in frustration as she tried. But nothing. [color=red]"**** I hate you!"[/color] The red head shouted angrily as she glared frustrated at her hands at their lack of use in this particular situation. A part of her wanted to chase him down, the more wild side of her that was angry, but she wanted to stay to make sure Naisha would be fine. Yet it seemed maybe this could stop if she just punch that bastard in the face hard enough. But what if he came back here for her?! What if he kidnaps her or does lewd things?! Wait no... think Alex. Think. Naisha was alright when she came here, this man came to Alex first. When he could of easily went to Naisha. Why? Grimacing as she looked between Naisha and the retreating man, she ground her teeth in until they hurt before setting Naisha down and sprinting after the figure at full speed. Convincing herself Naisha would prefer Alex go after and beat the stranger into pyreflies. Running full force, she knew she was pushing herself with the state of her body, adrenaline acting like a sedative and pumping it into gear. She'd probably just tire herself out, but she was definitely giving jerk something to remember her by. Catching up, Alex quickly swung her sword when managing to get into arms reach.